Hi and welcome back to my blog! In this post I am going to be talking about our latest humanities project that we have been working on. We learnt about the renaissance and its most impactful people, societal changes and inventions that have changed some aspects of our world to how it is today. Our driving question for this project was “ what significant developments emerged from the past and how do they impact us today?”

One of the very first things things that we learnt about was historical significance. The definition for historical significance is, “ a decision that modern people have made about what they feel is important from our past”. To get a deeper understanding of that idea we learnt about something called a “name chart”, name stands for: novelty, applicability, memory and effects. We watched a video and learnt what each thing meant and we wrote it down. This is my name chart⬇️ 



The list

We then ended up having to choose one historically significant invention, person, art piece and societal change from a list and write a name chart on each of them.

The main thing that we were working on though was creating a triptych for the end of the project. A triptych is a type of art that is made up of three pieces/panels. Our triptych was laid out to show the original inventions, and societal changes from the renaissance and how they evolved since then into what they are now and how modern they have become.

This is my triptych that I made in SuperimposeX. ⬇️


I will now try to explain everything that is happening.

For the layout we had to make it kind of look like a gallery, and all of the modern versions of things had to be in the middle, we also had to put an image of us in there too.

On the left there is a painting of Mona Lisa which was my art piece I chose. It was and still is one of the most famous paintings in the world. And to represent that as I chose to put a very famous modern art piece because they both have recognition and it is funny to see how much art styles have changed. On the floor there is a pile of books I used that to represent access to libraries and educational materials which was a big societal change. To represent that I a modern way you can see in the middle there is an iPad with books flying out of it. This shows that now we can have all of the information we want at the touch of a screen that we carry around in our pockets. Our world has created so many incredible devices that books are not as used as they were back in the day.

On the right on a pillar you can see that there are glasses, that is the invention I chose. They are a very important invention still and they are still used everyday by billions of people. As you can see in the middle though I chose to put a microscope which is a different more modern invention but it is still based off the idea of lens that was created originally with glasses. Finally I chose my person Leonardo Divinci who was and yet again still is one of the most legendary and famous people in the whole world. He was an incredible artist and inventor who changed the world with a lot of his different creations. I chose two represent him in a modern way with Elon musk. He is also a very famous inventor who also has done incredible new things that have changed our world.

This project was super fun and super cool, I learnt so many new things! Thank you for reading and I hope you have a great day/night!