Hi and welcome to another blog post! For the past few weeks I have been working on a project for scimatics called “ultimate design challenge” the goal of the project was to create an object in an app called Tinkercad, and optimize either maximum surface area or volume. My driving question was “if I orderd a normal sized pizza box, what would the surface area be of all the parts of the pizza and the box?”

These are some of the shapes and their final measurements that my pizza consisted of; ⬇️

These are all of my actual full equations. ⬇️

In the end my total surface area ended up being 56,178.2204cm2, and my total volume was 179,294.31cm3. My final ratio was 3.03:1. Going back to my driving question, my prediction and goal ended up being wrong. I ended up having a higher number of volume than surface area in my final design.


Applying and innovating: Contribute to care for self, others, community, and world through personal or collaborative approaches. 

In this project I used my time efficiently in class to learn about our topic and create my model and presentation. At some points I could’ve been more focused but overall I think I showed a solid performance and attitude throughout the whole project. I helped my team member and she helped me with lots of things so I contributed to others while working on this project.

Reasoning and Analyzing: Model mathematics in contextualized experiences. 

In this project I used Tinkercad to design and create my model. I showed an understanding of the work we had to be doing and I learnt lots of new things throughout this project. My 3D model had been optimized for maximum surface area but ended up having a higher number of volume in total than my total surface area, so that was a fault on my part. But I now know what to fix in the future. My model had around six or seven shapes but in lots of different sizes and measurments.

Communicating and Representing: Explain and justify mathematical ideas and decisions.

In my presentation I showed and explained my measurements and equations. All of my equations were measured, calculated and finalized by me. I presented them in front of the class and I also explained my comparison between my final surface area and volume. I calculated my ratio using my final surface area and volume and showed it to everyone.

In conclusion I had fun in this project and had a complete understanding of everything. I learnt ALOT of new things so this was very helpful for me. I also had tons of fun creating this with my partner Sofia, so make sure to check out her blog!

Thanks for reading! 🙂