Hey and welcome to my very last blog post for humanities! For this project we were learning about New France and the people and things that were involved. Our driving question was ; what did the establishment of New France mean for all the people involved? For our final project we had to select one group of people related to New France, I ended up choosing the filles du roi. You may be wondering, who are the filles du roi? I can try to tell you.

Who were the filles du Roi?

The fille du roi translates to the kings daughters. The filles du roi were unmarried women or sometimes widows who were sponsored by the king to immigrate to New France between 1663 and 1673. They ended up having to be married to men and have lots of kids that they were expected to look after by their selves. For our final project we had to create two images and put into a slider showing the good and bad sides of being the role that we chose. So my images are the good and bad sides of being the filles du Roi.

My description

My two images are about the filles du roi, In my first image there are two filles du roi. They just came over to the new world, the woman on the left is thinking positive thoughts about the new world. As you can see in her thought bubble she is thinking about money which they now have, food that is accessible and they can buy, and a baby because she is excited to start her new life and new family. The girl on the right is also happy, in her thought bubble she says “I can’t believe I was sponsored to come here” because the king sponsored some of the fille du roi to go to the new world. She also has money signs as her eyes because she can’t believe that they are able to get allowances now and spend money, there is also her money in her basket. In the top right corner there is a banner saying come to the new world to show that it is a great place to go.

In the second image there is all the negatives. As you can see the woman on the left is sad and frustrated because she doesn’t want to be forced to have more kids, she is sick of it and wants to stop. The girl on the right is also sad and a bit sick, that is from sailing over to the new world because lots of the filles du roi who travelled over could catch things and become really sick. She also has no money anymore in her basket because it is hard to feed and take care of all your kids by yourself. As you can see both of the women are pregnant and lots of their kids that they have already had are crawling around crying and sick and being hard to take care of. Finally in the top right corner the banner says “we always have our hands full” saying that its not always so great to come to the new world. 

That’s it, thanks for reading!