Ruby’s blog🧙‍♂️

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Laser Laws!!

Hello welcome to my blog, In this post I will be talking about the scimatics project i have been working on for the past month. The project that we worked on was about lasers! We had to learn about them… Continue Reading →


Hi everyone it is time for my very first m-POL presentation!! If you don’t know what it stands for, it stands for mid-term presentation of learning. For the next little while I will basically be talking and reflecting on what… Continue Reading →

My Poems

Hey blog this is a book about poems that I made in school. I hope you enjoy! My Poems Click to read this book, made with Book Creator

Excellent eras- The Victorian era!

Hi welcome to my blog, In this post I’m going to be talking about fashion from the Victorian era! There are lots of styles and era’s of fashion but my all time favourite fashion era was the Victorian. I’m not… Continue Reading →

Excellent eras – the 60’s!!

Hi welcome to my blog, in this post I’ll be telling you a bit more about one of my favourite eras of fashion, the 60’s.  The one thing that I love about fashion is that it is always changing, from… Continue Reading →

Excellent eras – Haute couture

Yo, welcome to my first post out of many where I will be talking about clothing and fashion in general. This post is about high fashion. And if you don’t know what high fashion is, I hope this blog posts… Continue Reading →

Excellent eras… of fashion

Yo, welcome to my blog. Like me you may love fashion and clothes, so in my next few posts i’m gonna be talking about fashion… But not just some regular day boring street fashion that you see all the time,… Continue Reading →

What can the outsiders teach us about worldview?

Hey welcome back to my blog!  For the past six weeks my class has been working on a project in our humanities class. This project was about worldview and we also read the Outsiders novel By S.E Hinton. If you… Continue Reading →

✨Picture perfect✨- Herzog

Hey there and welcome to my blog, in this post I’ll be talking about projects that I’ve been doing for the past couple of weeks in my maker class. In our maker class we got split up into two groups… Continue Reading →

The power of a pencil ! -Carr

Hey there, and welcome back to another blog post! In this blog I will be talking about the project that we have been doing for the past few weeks in our maker class. In this class we were split into… Continue Reading →

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