The renaissance was a time of many accomplishments. Many ideologies, inventions, and country’s from the renaissance still play a role in society today. For the past few weeks I’ve been working of a project where i have to explain how ideas from europe and Asia changed the world forever. I made a triptych that represents how the world was changed and have gained much knowledge from it. In my mind ideas from europe and Asia have changed the world in many ways, but I will focus on the one that stood out the most to me, that ideas from the renaissance changed the course of humanity, meaning the world today would look very different today if it weren’t for some ideas, case in point; if the printing press wasn’t invented we my have of never invented an easy way to communicate information, making other inventions less likely to be invented. Left panel: in the left panel i included a Monocle, a renaissance clock, and a musket. The left panel is about renaissance inventions where as the others are not. I chose to include the monocle because of the inventions it lead to and what it will led to in the future. The monocle led to glasses, which helps millions of people worldwide today, but it will also probably lead to many more inventions, Maybe in the future scientists will genetically modify humans so they have better eyesight. The old renaissance clock was put in the panel because of the usefulness of the invention, before the clock many used the the water clock or the sundial witch were not the most convenient of ways to tell the time. Lastly, the musket. The musket a first glance seems to be a weird addition with the clock and monocle, but while the musket hasn’t led to much good at this point in time, the goal of this project is to explain and show how ideas from europe and Asia changed the world, and the musket might have of affected the world the most, muskets changed battle forever. It could be argued the the invention of the musket killed millions of people, causing economic ruin, the Great Depression and many other terrible events. Right panel: in the right panel i included a sundial, a dagger, and old glasses that didn't work very well. The right panel is about pre renaissance inventions and how they made progress towards the left panel inventions. The sundial is the invention before the monocle and at the time it was revolutionary, not only could people use it to know when the sun set, they could also use it to arrange times for events and other things like that. I used the dagger in this panel as the invention before the musket. While the dagger and musket a very different inventions, they serve the same purpose, fighting and hunting. Daggers allowed people to get food Easier in stead of just a Normal rock tied to a stick. The dagger may have of lowered the amount of people that couldn't eat and let people focus of other parts of life, like inventions. The last invention i included is the early glasses. Unfortunately there isn’t much information on this old invention but we certainly know that it led to the invention of the monocle which (as I mentioned earlier has impacted society forever. Middle panel: in the middle panel i used a Nokia, a doctor, and a video game controller. The middle panel is about new inventions and i even put related inventions with the other renaissance inventions. I included the Nokia as a modern phone, and while it isn’t as good as a new iPhone, I decided to include it because of the meme culture around it. If you don’t know, the Nokia is known for being indestructible, and i thought that there might be a connection with meme culture and the invention of the renaissance clock showing how ideas from europe and Asia have changed the whole world forever. I put the video game controller as something similar to the musket, showing how the musket has impacted peoples lives, for many gen z video games are the thing they remember most about their childhood and is very nostalgic to them. I put the doctor as a similar thing to the monocle, and while the doctor isn’t a new invention, medical research has improved greatly within the last few hundred years, and that might be because of the invention of the monocle. In conclusion, the renaissance has affected the course of humanity forever, and in many ways we can’t even imagine yet. My triptych try’s to tell a how the renaissance innovations have changed my life and others around me. The renaissance is a greatly under appreciated part of history and i hope it is forever remembered.

I’m gonna explain more of the project here:

1. I made it using unique skills and apps taught to me by the plp teachers.

2. The learning was quite hard because we had a tight deadline.

3. I took away that the renaissance was a interesting and unique part of history

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