Mr./Ms. (teacher’s name), this is my mother/father Susan/Matt Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that i can use to improve as a learner

This year in PLP we worked on many different projects but there’s three that i think I’ve done best, consequences of colonization, the triptych, and and my science themed video game. In consequences of colonization I made a re intperted image and and a chart explaining how i did that as well as an AR video with the re intperted drawing in it and a blog post. In the triptych we learned to make plans for projects, sketchs of the triptych a historical explanation of the triptych and like most projects a blog post to go with it. My science themes video game got me to improve my tech skills and learn how to code using scratch. I felt i did an especially good job on this project. I think I’ve learned lots this year especially in history and science since we focused on those two topics a lot. PLP really tested my work ethic and habits and while i improved i still can be better. For next year I hope to improve myself by working on projects earlier so I don’t have to rush, not working past 10pm, and just trying harder in general. I think the thing i struggled with most was reflections. I find it hard to write much when reflecting. Because I find I assume the reader already knows about what I’m writing about and I skip over important details. I learned to review and revise my work multiple times to get a fully finished product, work with others, and be responsible in a classroom setting. I have revised most of my projects to make them better. Many classes we were separated in to random groups that made me have to harness my leadership, teamwork and responsibility skills. The project I struggled most with was the Vikings project, while I enjoyed this project i struggled with it because of my sleep schedule at the time making me not able to focus in school. In my learning plan I aimed for a B or better for all my subjects and have achieved that goal. This and many other factors makes me think that I am ready for grade 9 

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