On November 1st every grade 9 goes to one of their parents work for the day instead of going to school. When I took part in this activity I chose to go to my moms work. My mom is a lawyer who works for TransLink which manges the transportation system in Vancouver. TransLink has their own program just for the take your kid to work day which I attended. You can see every thing I did in this program in the YouTube video I made in the link below: https://youtu.be/dz8JdFaQW_M?feature=shared

Instead of taking about what I did which you can already see I want to talk about what I learned. As mentioned in the video I learned about how many different positions in a company there is and how you can move up positions in a company if you get bored or are looking for a better paying job. This isn’t too related to the project but as the day went on I kept on asking myself why does TransLink and I assume other companies run a program like this? It definitely costs money so maybe they are hoping to get future employees with this program? Anyway even though my parents and teachers had told me that there is many jobs I didn’t even know exist I didn’t fully process it, there were so many different jobs in just one company and they didn’t show us all the jobs that you could get. This made me realize that I could probably just find a job that links with one of my hobbies and it wouldn’t be too hard since there is som many random obscure jobs. The last thing I learned was that an office job probably wasn’t for me. I just didn’t like the boring rooms where you have to stare at a computer all day and to me this just seems like a big step down from school where as I want a job where I can move and be creative and really enjoy it. If anything the most important thing that I learned is that when I become an adult, I must chose my job wisely.

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