Mr./Ms. (teacher’s name), this is my mother/father, Susan and/or Mathew .

Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.

Success behaviours

Below this paragraph you can see my success behaviours form, where I filled out how my learning is in terms of proficiency. In this TPOL I will cover the required topic of agency as well as my choice of engagement and self regulation each my strongest and weakest point of my success behaviours. As you can see below in general my success behaviours are could use some work, they aren’t necessarily bad but I’ve set out some goals for my self that I’ll touch on later one of which includes getting all but 3 of these success behaviours in consistently. A reason I think I am ready for PLP is how well I performed on possibly our hardest project, DI.


Now focusing on agency, my ownership and responsibility is in the sometimes category, meaning I have some work to do. I need to take responsibility for my own learning and actions which I can do sometimes but not consistently. Something I need to work on in general is not needing reminders to take responsibility in my actions and projects. While sometimes reminders can be a helping hand for motivation to push a little bit more, it shouldn’t be the reason to start or even do a task ever. Relating to reminders, I often don’t ask for help until much needed and often too late. An example of when I could ask for help would be when I’m still a little confused with an upcoming project and need to know more before starting. Being late on projects is probably my biggest struggle. I’ve gotten better this year at starting projects and knowing how long a project could take and not biting off more than I can chew. My late problem comes down to three reasons, procrastination, forgetting, and not putting the needed work in. Going into next year I can continue using reminders to help forgetting, start using smart study habits like working for 20min and having a five minute break to help put work needed in. Procrastination is the hardest challenge to overcome and it’s something everyone can relate to. I don’t have any fancy method to help with procrastination I just kinda have to use my self control. The two things I found I can consistently do in agency are accepting feedback and showing resilience in the face of setbacks.


Engagement is probably the hardest thing for me to do. Even when it appears I am focusing on a task my mind often wanders causing me to not get all information needed. In engagement I can participate ideas when prompted and sometimes shows interest in learning. I put those two in sometimes because I usually don’t answer questions or raise my hand in class, and I honestly don’t really think I need to unless I don’t understand the project at hand. I put helping other learners and demonstrating growth over time in something I’ve done consistently. When asked I always help friends out in a task and make sure they understand the topic clearly. Over my last two years now working in PLP I’ve demonstrated so much growth with my work and how the quality has gone up. 


Preparation is the only category in my success behaviours document that I labeled as both in the sometimes column. At school I come to class but sometimes not ready for it without the needed materials and outside of school I have a system to manage tasks but struggle with consistency. For some reason I always don’t leave enough time to complete PLP projects as comparison to mainstream school projects. I have put in my upcoming goals section to complete all projects on time and to work on my procrastination problem. Overall preparation is something I need to work on but can very easily be tweaked with a few minor changes like charging my iPad I can be consistently achieving preparation. 

Goals for next year related to school and PLP

Get extending in four of my classes 

Get 50 hours of volunteer work

Balance sports, school, work, and friends 

Spend less or the same amount of time doing homework by being more efficient 

Get extending for 3 things in humanities

Driving question

The driving question for this TPOL is, How can you showcase evidence to demonstrate that PLP Success Behaviours have prepared you to advance to the next grade? I can answer that question by showing my progress throughout all of high school in my work and as a person in the last two years. I’ve learned so many skills some related to PLP and some not. I’ve learned to study effectively, picked up new hobbies, and learned to balance my life. I’ve completed all of my projects in PLP this year, and I think I did a pretty good job on most of them, especially DI and my recent comic book. I think right now I am in the best position to go Into grade ten PLP with a new year and achieve so much. When I start strong in a class I can kind of use my momentum to continue strong throughout the year. This TPOL is one of the longest things I’ve written and I’ve put a lot of work into it, going into next year this amount of work will be the norm for me. 

In the name Nationalism 


We have only done two projects since our last delayed MPOL one of them being in the name of nationalism project. In this project we made a video about the nationalism for our chosen country. My country was Canada and I focused on Canada’s history and how it shaped  present day Canada. I did this project to a proficient level like the rest of my projects. I made a video that can inform a viewer about Canadas nationalism effectively and quickly. 

WW1 comic book

Our most recent project was for our exhibition, the WW1 comic book. In this project we made twenty panels on a event that happened in WW1. My battle was Monchy le preux and I focused on Albert Rose, a WW1 veteran from Newfoundland as a part of the ten heroic men that defended Infantry hill from an entire German battalion. I’m really happy on how my project ended up, I think it told a great story and I greatly improved at my online drawing skills. 


What I did well

I’ve already touched on what I can improve on while talking about success behaviours so now I’d like to talk about what I’ve done this year well. This year I’ve grown so much as a PLP learner. You can’t even compare my first project with my last. My strongest points this year  were DI, my MPOL, and my comic book. My team building skill improved so much during our winter exhibition Rube Goldberg and I think teachers can tell how much my work has improved and is now to a high level. I hope to bring my current successes into next year and go even further. 

Thanks for reading/listening to my TPOL I hope you learned something about my learning this year!


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