Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.

Alberta trip

I started this school year a different person than I am now. PLP helped me improve my learning process and skills over this year plenty and in this mpol blog post I’ll be talking about that. This school year basically started with the Alberta trip. Seeing a place that looked nothing like I had ever seen before was a great experience and since I like hiking and the outdoors the trip was lots of fun. I learned from the Oregon trip in grade eight to stay on to of my book creator and take lots of photos. Because of the minor switch to plan and stay on top of my work the work load was much less afterwards then Oregon was. The main skills I learned in Alberta were to plan while still enjoying a trip and like with the rest of PLP if I just did a bit of work everyday it would be a lot less stress than if I did it all at the last minute with bad planning. 

Learning plan

After Alberta we made our learning plans and I want to reflect a bit on mine. I’m going to only talk about my areas for growth and if I have grown in that field. I wanted to check Showbie more often and consider different view points, which I have definitely done. I’ve greatly improved in my reflections going from my worst point in work to on par with my other work. I’ve improved the most in loon lake which I’ll mention later but it’s definitely changed the way I’ve thought about work a little. 

What I can Improve on

I’ve also gotten a bit better at group projects taking a bit more leadership although I still could improve on that especially during the start of projects. I often seem to not put enough effort at the start of projects and then have to make up for it during the second half of it. Going into the rest of the year I would like to improve on my planning during projects, preparing well and to continue using things to track my progress. Back to my learning plan, I wanted to become a leader and help others. I have achieved that more than I had at the start of the year but some growth is still needed in the future. I have been taking much better notes this year with my use of things, craft, and pages. And have fully used my technology wisely a improvement from last year.

Loon lake and videos

This year we have worked on many videos especially in group projects. Since we have had so much practice with videos my editing, planning and filming has gotten good and I can now work quickly to make a video. Loon lake was a great experience for me, Jono was a great teacher that helped us as a class bond and actually changed the way I thought about learning a little. Often in PLP and learning it’s not about the actual substance of the lesson but about how I grew as a person and become a better one.

Destination Imagination 

The last project I want to talk about is our most recent, DI. In DI to be honest there was lots of stress and time out of school and last minute changes as well as some failures. Looking back at DI now while I didn’t enjoy it in the moment It really challenged me as a learner and made me work and think more than other projects have and in a different way. DI also made me work with people I wouldn’t normally chose to work with. PLP often choses groups for you but in DI I had to spend way more time with them and really be on top of everything like when we were meeting etc. This school year my work and myself have improved greatly.

My areas of growth and successes 

I want to continue to work better by implementing a few habits into my life. I would like to check Basecamp and Showbie every day. I want to take even more notes, and I want to look ahead in Basecamp to prepare myself for a upcoming project. Something I did well this year was revising well, I have been somewhat on top of my revisions and done them pretty well. That’s what I’ve done and learned this year! I’m proud to say I’ve become a better learner this year and would hope to continue that into the second half of the year.

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