During December all of PLP was working on a project called Pandora’s box, and now that its been a few weeks we have to reflect on the project. In this project the grade 8s had to incorporate a box into a piece of artwork representing a theme in avatar, i chose the theme of corporate […]
Making interesting images
Driving question: how might i use a still image to create and communicate though technology? Answer: i could create a feeling in the image to communicate something and tell a story or express an opinion by making art. If you post an image online you could communicate to an audience. I could create a photo […]
Becoming a PLP learner
Over the last few months I have learned a lot in the PLP program, and who I want to be as a PLP leaner. So far I have completed 7 main projects in my maker class all of which I will be talking about today and what I’ve learned about my self as a PLP […]
About me post
Hi, I’m Ryan and I am a grade ten student in Seycove Secondary. I’m writing this about me page as part of the Performance Learning Program in Seycove. Throughout this short write up representing me, I will give you a idea of my personality, hobbies, and experiences. It’s hard to communicate who I am well […]
Hello world!
Welcome to your brand new blog at Blog 44 Sites. To get started, simply log in, edit or delete this post and check out all the other options available to you. For assistance, visit our comprehensive support site. You can also subscribe to our brilliant free publication, The Edublogger, which is jammed with helpful tips, […]