So the past couple weeks we have gone on a few field trips seeing different temples and churches of several religions. These places were all in Vancouver so my title is a “bit” of an exaggeration. The first place we went to was a Hindu Temple.





After the Hindu temple we drove next door to the Buddhism Temple. It had a huge statue of Budha made out of gold.



We then went to a Chinese Budhism temple. I do not have any photos from there though. After that it was about time for lunch. So we went to the Sikh temple. We had some delicious curry. After eating we had to wrap our heads and enter the main building.

Once we finished up at the Sikh temple it was time to head back home.

The following Tuesday and Wednesday we had some more trips. On the Tuesday we went to a Jewish temple. We got to see the Torah.


On Wednesday we went to St. Andrew’s Church up in Lonsdale.


After visiting the church we finished off at and Islamic Mosque. I don’t have any photos from the mosque.

I had a fun time on these trips and have learnt quite a lot more about the different religions.