So in PLP and Scimathics we did a big project based around Geography, Ecology, and geometry.

We started off with geometry in math. We were doing stuff like finding the volume of of a shape that has a cylinder on the side of a cube. We then had to make this creature called a math monster. This monster would come into play again later. If you want to read more about the math monster click here.

We then started ecology and learning the realtions of Animals and the Environment. We learned more about habitats and niches, and started learning about climate which helped later in the geography section.

Then in PLP we finally got around to geography. We started off by looking at each of the regions in Canada. The different benefits and disadvantages of their climate. We then got into the project more and each table group got assigned one of the 7 Canadian regions. My group got the Canadian Shield. In our groups we then chose a location of North West, North East, South West, and South East. I got North East, so my location was around Northern Quebec.

We then picked a base animal from that location and to find a stuffie of it. I chose a flying squirrel, however there really isn’t much thing as a stuffie flying squirrel, so I used one of my dog’s many squirrel stuffies. Although I did have to do some sewing just to make it a flying squirrel.

The first bit of the actual project was writing an epistolary story. It could be in any form we want however it just had to stay epistolary. I wrote my story from the perspective of my dog watching a tv series about flying squirrels from Northern Quebec. My original plan had the ending of the story have her owner asking why she was watching a cartoon, which would in a way explain why there was a monster, however I left that part out. You can read my story below

The next part of the project included that stuffie we had to get earlier. We had to create a short movie from our story. Some people only included the climax of the story and some did the whole thing. I was one of the people that included the while stirs however I did have to make a new script based off the story because of timing. Due to my sturdy being from the perspective of my dog, my movie was to.

After the first draft I finally got around to adding in the background for my green screen as I hadn’t already done that. There was also a few extra scenes I had missing that I replaced.

For the final draft i added some old cartoon music. Some happy for happier moments, and some moodier for the more intense scenes. It definetly made the movie a bit more fun even though it already was a pretty fun/funny movie with my dog.

To answer the driving question if this project “Who’s in Control, People or The Environment?” My movie answered that question with they are both slightly in control, however, the Humans are officially in control.