So recently in PLP we have been looking at the history of Vancouver throughout the interwar period. We looked a bit about the First Nations History, and a bit more historic to the settlers of Vancouver.

To start the unit off we went on a field trip to The Museum of Vancouver. Where we got to look around at different artifacts and read stories from the interwar period. Shortly after the trip we were split off into groups based off topics we liked most from the museum and were tasked with making a podcast. However that is not what this post is about. I will be telling you about one of our mini assignments we worked on about a week ago.

We had to work in partners or a group of 3 to look more specifically at an area or road in Vancouver. I worked with Will. We chose to look at the history of the Lions Gate Bridge.

If you didn’t already know the bridge was built for the Guinness Family. The name may sound familiar for you beer drinkers out there because it’s the same family who started the company Guinness. Anyways they had tons of land in West Vancouver, specifically speaking they had a total of 4,000 acres worth of land.

Now that you have a brief history on a Lions Gate you can watch our first draft here:

The main critique was to match the images to what we were talking about so I went in and edited a few things before publishing the final draft:

This was a pretty interesting mini assignment because I feel like I learned a lot about the Lions Gate Bridge. I also had no idea that the Guinness family had anything to do with Vancouver, let alone be the funders of the bridge. So I thought this was a good project.