The Blog of Ryan

Thoughts between Sports


January 2018


So it is that time of year agin. The time to reflect on our learning from the past year. Except now it’s been renamed once again. SLC’s to TPol’s to the new and improved MPol. Although this presentation is a… Continue Reading →

Winter Exhibition 2017

So recently in PLP we had our Winter Exhibition. Although we had a completely different project to do for it then we have done the past 2 years. Instead of doing a Blue Sky project we were tasked with recording… Continue Reading →

Pirate Parties

Pirate Parties, what are they? And what are they trying to accomplish? Well, Pirate Parties are small political groups in a number of countries that are trying to bring in a direct democracy to their states. All Parties believe in… Continue Reading →

Golden Ratios in Basketball

So recently in math we’ve been learning about radicals. This was a very difficult unit to get into as it is a hard subject. After a while of really learning and understanding the topic we got assigned our project. It… Continue Reading →

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