So for the past few weeks in science we have been learning about astronomy.

For our project, we were split up into partners or small groups and had to create some form of presentation explaining one of our options. Our options were radioactivity and radiation in space, nuclear reactions, colonization of other planets, star life cycles, evidence for the Big Bang theory, and components and scale of our solar system. I was in a group with Calum and Lucas. We worked on gathering evidence on the Big Bang Theory. We had to come up with a driving question for the project so we chose, What proof do we have of the Big Bang Theory?

The first thing we worked on was gathering a lot of research on the whole topic. Calum even listened to the audio book Astrophysics for People in a a hurry . We then started working on our presentation. We decided to make a keynote as we decided it would be the best way to get our points out and really to be able to expand on them so that everyone actually understands what we are talking about. The first part of the presentation shows all of the stages that have been theorized about the Big Bang. I would explain them all here but that would take a very long time, so I will just leave you with our keynote, and let you read away:

You will see that at the end we briefly show the evidence of the Big Bang but don’t really expand on it. This is because so many of the points need a lot of explaining so Calum and I left the keynote pretty plain so that we could just talk about it.

While everyone else was presenting their projects we had to take notes and turn that into a mind map about all the different topics covered in astronomy, here mine is: