The Blog of Ryan

Thoughts between Sports


November 2018

The Trial of the Broken Food Bowl

Hello Everyone and welcome back to the last but definitely not least Crucible Blog Post. If you haven’t been following us along on this fantastic journey I recommend you go back and read my first two posts here. For my… Continue Reading →

How To Spot a Bender (Hockey Slang)

Hello everybody and welcome back to the second instalment of my Crucible Blog Posts. If you don’t know what these blog posts are about, go read my first Crucible Blog Post. This time around my blog post is based off… Continue Reading →

Victoria: A Story of Revenge

So recently in PLP we have been reading through the play set in the 1600s called The Crucible. Reading plays as a book is always somewhat awkward because you end up reading a script, but since we assign characters to… Continue Reading →

The Home of Plutonium

So now that you have read about the first unit in PLP year 4, its time to go more in-depth about the field study to Hanford. If you haven’t yet read my post about the unit go read it first… Continue Reading →

The Manhattan Project Project

Hello everyone and welcome back to year number 4! To start off grade 11 we started looking at the end of World War II and the atomic bombing of Japan. In order to learn about this topic in more depth,… Continue Reading →

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