If you are wondering what the link is between my posts so far this year this blog will give you the answer. It might seem like Crane Brinton, revolutions and steam punk are unconnected – but in PLP we often connect odd items into a big project. In this case the project is our “Metaphor Machine.” A Metaphor Machine is just a Rube Goldberg machine built of metaphors. The machine must tell the story of the revolution each group was assigned, in the form of metaphors.

My group was assigned the Russian Revolution. Luckily for me I already had some knowledge on this revolution because of my blog post earlier this year. As a group we selected around a dozen key stages of the Russian Revolution to include in our machine.

We have been working on constructing our machine for almost a week now and our progress is pretty good. We have started placing things on our box and have almost everything ready to put on. Here’s a video on a bit of our progress.