So recently in PLP we got taken on a mini trip to Camp Capilano. If you don’t know where this is it is very close to the Capilano River Hatchery and the Capilano Suspension Bridge.

We left around noon from Seycove on the Thursday and headed straight to the Cleveland Dam. When we got there we were put in groups to make a 45 second video for a “Reality Show Intro”. We were in groups of 5 and had to show 10 different characters that each had some difference in the personality or figure. I was in a group with Alex, Willa, Michael , and Sam. We came up with the “Wilderness Games” which was basically a long hike turned into race/competition.

Once we finished as a group we had to hike from the Cleveland Dam to the camp. It wasn’t a super hard trail but from the directions Ms. Willemse gave us about not seeing a road, we weren’t sure if we were going the right way. Luckily it was all good and we made to the camp grounds pretty quickly.

Once we got to the camp we did a little round of critique on the videos. Once the critique was done we had a new project to work on. Rather than this being a video we had to make an audio file following the same criteria of 10 characters and so on. However rather than 45 seconds in length it just had to be under 60. This was our first time making just an audio file so the quality was not incredible. However when asked if it was harder or easier than the videos we mostly all agreed that it was easier which surprised the teachers.

We did some critique and the teachers weren’t as disappointed as they may have expected. We then had some time to play and fool around. We played some football and went in the pool for a bit. At about 7 it was time to get back to work. We got assigned another audio project that was due at 10 the next morning. This project had to be 4 minutes in length not shorter not longer. We were allowed to pick our groups of 2 or 3 so I was in a group with Alex and Calum. We had to tell a true story/experience one of us had had that represented the word Identity. We had a bit of trouble trying to find a good strong story so we went with one of mine from baseball nationals about a year ago. We went for the style of podcast or radio show you would here on a sports channel (which ended up being not the best decision). Our podcast ended at 3:58 so we didn’t perfectly meet the criteria and I definetly could’ve edited better to be 4 minutes but I kind of forgot and had it around 4 minutes. Here it is: