Thoughts between Sports

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Twin + Twin

So recently in science we finished our first full unit. This unit was on genetics and DNA. We started the unit off by making a mind map on how much we already knew or could remember about the topic. This… Continue Reading →

How To Stay Safe at Work

So recently in Maker Time, we worked on the 2nd unit of our Planning course. The 1st unit was based around goal setting, you can read my blog post on it here. Anyways this unit was based around Worker Safety…. Continue Reading →

Solar Panels and Houses

So since the start of the school year in math we have been working on a trigonometry unit. We learned about ways to use trig ratios and how to use them in the real world. To get introduced to the… Continue Reading →

Canada and World War One

So to start the year off in PLP, we worked on a World War 1 unit. You may have noticed a post earlier in the year about how it started and that was a small part of the unit. The… Continue Reading →

Russian Safety

So recently in Science we have been working on a safety in the lab unit. This wasn’t a very long unit as it was just a couple weeks long. To end the unit we got assigned a project in groups… Continue Reading →

Camp Trapilano

So recently in PLP we got taken on a mini trip to Camp Capilano. If you don’t know where this is it is very close to the Capilano River Hatchery and the Capilano Suspension Bridge. We left around noon from… Continue Reading →

The Beginnings of World War One

So recently in PLP we have been learning about the beginnings of WWI. We did a bit of research about what Europe looked like before the war and some possible reasons war began. Our assignment was to make a thesis… Continue Reading →

S.M.A.R.T Goals

So recently in Maker Time/Planning 10 we started setting goals for the year or term. But these goals couldn’t just be your average “I want to be better at school”. These goals had to be S.M.A.R.T Smart is an accronim… Continue Reading →

The Beginnings of Canada

So in the last month and a bit PLP had been working on our Canadian History unit of humanities. We went from when the first explorers from Europe came to North America, to the beginnings of an official country called… Continue Reading →

It’s TPOL Time

So normally at the end of the year we have to do an SLC. This year we apparently don’t have to do one! Yay! However, we then got told that the SLC had been replaced by a TPOL – a… Continue Reading →

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