Am I Ready?

Hello people, welcome to another one of my blog posts. This post is about all my learning throughout the whole school year my tPol (transitional presentation of learning.) I haven’t done one of these since grade 8 so comparing that blog post to this one will be a Jurassic difference. In this tPol I am going to mention what projects and experiences I found most significant to my growth as a learner this year and what will help me transition/prepare for next year.

I want to focus a lot on the loon lake trip because I think that gave me a lot of time to think about growing as a learner and achieving/setting goals. 

I made a Booklet that explained my week of achieving the goal of stepping out of my comfort zone. The class got to know each other a bit better again and we bonded a lot this contributed to my goal.

We did a lot of activities throughout the trip (my favourite archery) and I have some amazing photos/videos that show me trying to achieve my goal. 

We learned about being ready and for some reason, it stuck with me

Some of the most important projects of the year to me were the ology of apology, project podcast, and spring exhibition. Each of these was incredible to me and helped me become a better learner in a different way. 

The Ology of an apology was a great experience because we got to go on actual field trips for the first time in a while! I am a very visual and kinaesthetic learner so going on field trips really helped me attain and remember information better. 

The podcast project was one of my favourite of the year because I had so much fun doing it. Being able to have full creative freedom and do whatever I wanted was a great opportunity for me.

It took a ton of effort and time to put together each episode but it felt so good when it was completed. I also got to reach out to a librarian to come as a guest on my podcast and that was a bit of stepping out of my comfort zone.

Here is my podcast,It is also on Spotify and Apple Music

Finally the most recent project that I did, the spring exhibition. This one only lasted what felt like a week but it was, at least for me, one of the most fulfilling projects I have done ever. I worked a total of 14 hours on the portrait of Gordon dick and went through many tears but I am so proud of the final product. The experience of meeting Gordon dick and having him see my portrait was incredibly nerve racking but in the end so exhilarating.

And I showed up on twitter so that’s cool!

More relaxed but also trying less, Less going on and used to summer, Wasn’t as into school, Covid brain, Had no pressures, Was in a safe zone.
Very stressed,  A lot going on, Had to time manage a lot(sometimes didn’t work out), Started o enjoy school more even if I was stressed, Was forced to focus, Definitely stepped out of my comfort zone.

Over all I am proud of my growth this year and am super exited to bring what I learned this year into next year so I can be an even better learner (and have more fun while doing it)

Yes I think I am ready to move onto the next year and I am exited to bring all I have learned this year to my next year.  

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