For this post I was given eight random emojis and had to create a story with is using the Pixar story spine Once upon a time..😃 There was an optimistic man who had an amazing family, was one… Continue Reading →
Music is an activity everyone likes to participate in. This could be playing or listening to a certain genre or type of music. I love all sorts of music, ranging to rock and pop to songs from musicals or… Continue Reading →
Hello, Today I created an original image for the student blogging challenge. This image was created using Procreate. I based this image on a picture of a cat I found online. I decided on drawing a cat since… Continue Reading →
vrolanas / Pixabay The renaissance took place between the 14th and 17th century and flourished mostly in Italy. Italy at the time wasn’t unified at consisted of only city-states, these cites states are independent land that is owed by only… Continue Reading →
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