Having a job and going to work is an experience every human being on the planet will have one way or another. On November third, every kid in grade nine was supposed to participate in “Take Your Kid to Work Day”. On this day  we’re meant to go to work with an adult and observe how they worked. During hangout with your adult, you were meant to get photos and recordings of your adult’s workplace. After this, you were to create a video detailing your experience at the adult’s job.

The video can be seen right below this text if you want to check out my person experience with this day.


One of the biggest issues I faced in Take Your Kid to Work Day was that I didn’t go to anyone’s work on November third. This is due to me not taking the assignment seriously and both my parents working in the hospital which as you know because Covid-19 is not the safest place. Thus instead, I watched my father do his paperwork in his office at my home for around two hours. Even though this was a short amount of time, I believe it taught a lot about his career choice being a lung specialist or lung doctor. Another issue I faced in this video is that I had so much video/information that I couldn’t include it all. This makes some parts of my video confusing since I will mention information or an event that happened however, won’t show it in my video due to not having enough time. Overall, this video was quite difficult and at times frustrating to create.

Seeing my dad working was truly an interesting experience. Even though I have watched my dad work in his office before, I was never truly paying full attention to how he deals with patients and problems in his work. I learned a great deal of problem-solving and critical thinking techniques that I didn’t expect at all to gain by being in the office with my dad. Overall, I will use the knowledge I have learned from Take Your Kid to Work Day in problems or difficult situations in the present and future.