How did the discovery of gold shape our province and its people?


This project taught me how to analyze the causes and consequences in history. Even though I feel this project went kind of slow, I still feel as though this project was important in my ability to analyze history. Before this project I didn’t even know there was a gold rush in B.C and how it caused huge level of migrations. Overall, this project changed my perspective on B.C history.

Keynote 1:

For keystone one we were mainly suppose to point out the causes and the consequences of immigration during the gold rush. We did this be creating a diagram of these causes and consequences. For this part of the project, I think I could of done better at analyzing the information I knew and sorting it into categories. However, I think I did a wonderful job at summarizing all my information. Overall, this keystone helped me understand why the gold rush causing immigration and the affect these immigrants had on B.C.

Keynote 2:

For this part of the project we were suppose to create our character. This character was going to be used for the final part of the project, a fictional story relating to someone during the time of the gold rush in B.C. However, I feel as through if I did this project again I would make sure my research was more complete and made more sense. Addionally, I’m pretty sure that not all the information there is accurate due to me only being able to research the surface legal details for the topic. Overall, this key stones showed me how I could of improved. 

Rough Draft and Critique: 

For the rough draft, I had to plan it out before creating it. I first made a basic layout of this rough draft and wrote down the main important events in the story. The rough draft had a lot of issues with it like many spelling mistakes and a lot of assumptions being made on the time period and what Hawaiian culture was like at the time. However, I was fortunately able to get some really nice feedback on story aspects I could change and what parts of my story I could amplify. Overall, I had a great deal of trouble with this part of the project however, it has most defiantly improved my creating writing skills.                     

Final Draft:

The final draft of the story was only possible due to all the steps we did before. The final draft I created I will not share due to it misrepresenting Hawaiian culture and most definitely not being historically accurate. However, I feel as a decent story at the end of the project and did a good job creating a storyline with the information I was given. 


The gold created B.C by bring most of the people who’s decedents are in B.C today. These immigrants greatly affected the land, people already there and development of B.C. This project helped me to understand how immigrants and their children shaped the B.C we know today.