Why do you feel you are read to advance to the next grade level?

“Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.”

This year of PLP taught me what it means to be an educated citizen. This why I would preferable like to advance to grade 10 since I could use the skills I have learned to better myself and others in the next year. I feel I have completely changed from the person I was at the start of the year and have developed habits and goals that has helped me become a person who can make it in the next year of PLP.

Core Competence goals

I believe that I have met all the core competence that I have set out to this year. This is evident from how I have changed and now better resemble what I wanted to be when I first thought of the core competence. 

For communication I have become more comfortable with talking to others and being better an explaining concepts to others that I had been before. This is seen in my Revolutions on Trial where I had to communicate with others on what had to be done.

For collaboration I have become a person who contributes more to group projects and is able to expanded upon others idea. This really show in DI since I was forced to collaborate with others to create a script and a set. 

For thinking I have been able to think more deeply in reflection and also on planning. This is due to the Seven Habits helping me become a more fully formed learner and have a better idea of how I want to more forward. 

For Critical and Reflective Thinking I was able to better articulate my failings and what I learned from my mistakes. This is seen in my Working with Words project since I had to create poems that are meaningful to me.

 For Personal Awareness and Responsibility I have grown to be a person who understands myself and what I can manage. I think this shows in The Seven Habits since I was able to create choice board activities based on my strengths. 

For Positive Personal and Cultural Identity I have become more aware of the many complicated parts of my identity. This is shows through my documentary which forced me to look deeply only myself and how it related to my topic. 

Finally, for Social Awareness and Responsibility I have become a person who actively supports others.  This shown through my whole year and the way I go about interacting with others 

Even though I have learned a lot through all the projects in PLP, their are a few specific ones that helped grow into a more educated person. These projects were key in creating the person I am now. 


Case for a Nation

Case for a Nation helped me become more of a more independent person and think more critically. This is due to me having to cover the topic of Indian Nationalism by myself. Additionally, deciding that aspects of Indian nationalism I should cover taught me how to organize what is or what is not important in research and creating. Moreover, creating three images to than represent Indian Nationalism was a process that taught me how to be my own learner and to support myself independently without the help of others. 

Working with Words: 

Working with words taught me how to collaborate with others and my own identity. This is due to me frequently seeking feedback from others and having to think of how to write a poem that represents me. This especially shows in my “I am” poem which helped me to think about my cultural identity, responsibilities, my past before PLP and overall, helped me to articulate myself. Even though there were loads of time in this project where I struggled and created work that was artificial and lazily done, I will still able at the end of project how to use my experiences to create a poem 

How I can use what I learned to be a better learner

These skills I learned in humanities will most defiantly help me in my year in grade 10. What I learned about Case of a Nation of organizing my thoughts and researching will be helpful in all forms in my life. This by when in grade 10, I can effectively research and then think critically on how I can represent this topic.

For Working with Words, think creatively, collaborating and understanding my identity will most defiantly improve my quality of work. This is by being able to create creative ideas that represent myself and ideas that I actually enjoy. Moreover, this new understanding of who I am will help me create work that I am proud of. 


Destination Imagination: 

Destination Imagination helped me both better communicate and collaborate with others. These skills are useful for both my future life in school and interacting with others in general in my daily life. DI was one of the most challenging project I faced. This is due with having to facing many unexpected changes to our presentation last minute, facing disagreement and difficulty with doing activities together. However, this project really helped me be better at compromising with others, communicating and explaining my ideas to others and time management skills.  

Believe in Good 

Believe in Good has taught me to think critical about myself, my responsibility and how my behaviour effects others. Read the Seven Habits opened my eyes of to the many parts of my life that I mess up on or the parts of myself that hurts people. This can be seen with me struggling to think Win-Win many times in my past and me struggling to thin Win-Win today. The Seven Habits also offered many helpful solutions to problems I faces in my everyday life. An example of this is Be Proactive, since I have learned about this habit I have been taking the steps to be more control of my life rather than my life controlling me. This is by signing up for skills I want to learn and being more straightforward with others. 

How I can use what I learned to be a better learner

The skills shown here can be used in multiple ways in order for me to become a better learner. Destination Imagination has taught me how to communicate better and overall collaboration skills. These skills will most defiantly help me in group projects or making last minutes decisions in my projects. 

Believe in Good has made me a more whole of a person. This person that will be in grade 10 will be more aware of the self and more aware of what I needed to improve upon. Moreover, the habits mention in this book would most defiantly be put into practice in grade 10. 


Correlation vs. Causation 

Correlation vs. Causation taught me how to learn independently and how to further myself in my learning. Also following the goals I set out for myself. This can be seen by me following my learning plan goals, this was by going to tutorial time when I was trying to get a rainbow on my work or improve my work. Additionally, I used all my time effectively and put a great deal of effort in creating a well made presentation. Moreover, this project also taught me to be ready for any unexpected in the presentation. This is from the animation not lining up with my voice. Overall, this project taught me to be more independently and the steps I need to take in order to extend in my work.

Chemistry Stories

Chemistry Stories taught me how to manage my time effectively. Due to how time consuming animation typically is I had to manage my time. At the start of being assigned the animation video, I at first heavily procrastinated on my work. However, by the end of project I was making strides to do a lot of my work spread evenly through the days. Overall, this project even though not as significant as the other project, still was important to me and taught me a great deal about how to correctly manage my time.

How I can use what I learned to be a better learner

Correlation vs. Causation made me into a person who could think for myself. Due to this project, grade 10 me would be a person who knows how to do good time management and know how to create good quality work.

Chemistry Stories has helped me understand also how to manage my time. This will help me in grade 10 when I have tight deadlines to choose correctly what actually need to get done. 

How I can progress in the next year  

Progress next year will be all about being confident in myself and not being afraid of taking risks of trying something new. From the skills I have listed there should be no doubt in your mind that I shouldn’t be in grade 10.