The Haudenosaunee And Their Perspectives

Where the Haudenosaunee lived, and the borders that separated the different groups.

Who were they?

The Haudenosaunee were a large group of indigenous people who lived on the eastern side of Canada. There was five different groups of them and together they made up the Haudenosaunee confederacy. The Peacemaker would ask each of all the five nations to pick men to be their leaders. The leaders were called hoyaneh and they played a very important role.

What does that show us in terms of perspective?

I think that showed perspective on the way that they acted because that is a similar government system that we use today and the Haudenosaunee continue to do this today. Another thing that they believed in was the seventh generation principal, which was a law that was in section 24 of the great law of peace. It makes people think ahead and assess their actions. They still do this today because they think about what they do before they act and they haven’t forgotten this rule. The last one is that they protect and love the earth. They showed this by protecting it and not taking more than they needed. They continue this today because in a speech by Leon Shenandoah, he said that they were “instructed to carry a love for one another and to show great respect for the earth we must live in harmony with the natural world and recognize that excessive exploitation can only lead to our own destruction.” That shows that they still believe in their rules and guidelines that they set down many years ago.


That was my post on the Haudenosaunee’s worldviews and perspectives, I hoped you learnt something and if not, I happen you found it a least interesting and informative to read.

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