Power Play During the Medieval Times


Our driving question was “Can we learn from the past and why does that matter to us today?” Yes we can, but it goes much deeper than just that. How? We read ‘The Book of the Lion,’ put ourselves into medieval art, and did a LOT of reflecting. So sit back and relax while I explain what happened.

The Book of the Lion 

The Book of the Lion wasn’t the greatest book I’ve ever read. It was about a boy named Edmund living during the crusades. We had to connect our lives to life during the crusades, which might sound hard but it wasn’t as difficult as I expected. We did this by doing rly sheets, which we also did in “It’s the End of the World as we Know it.”

Role sheet reflection:

Something that I could’ve done better is taking my time on the drawings and creating drafts. Another thing that I could’ve done is doing it before the last day and not having not rush it. That way my work could’ve been more insightful and more proficient. I also didn’t have two questions. I forgot to add another one because I was in such a rush to finish it. If I set goals and an earlier date to do it by, I would more time to make it better and it would be my best work, but since I rushed it, It wasn’t very good, ad I wasn’t proud of it. Next time, I will make sure to take my time and to set a reminder on things (I already did this but I didn’t have a widget so I wasn’t able to visually see it.)

Artwork Explanation 🗣️

We can learn from our past by learning about our worldview, I realized how similar my life was to the medieval times. There are a lot of things that we can learn from it by fixing our mistakes and learning from them. 


The reason why I put a clock on the art is because time was very important in the Middle Ages and people treated it with great respect. This is because people in the Middle Ages made whole buildings that told the time. I also really depend on time because I like to be on time for school and activities like soccer. It connects to my worldview because if I’m late for school or soccer, then my teachers and coaches won’t be happy with me, and one of my worldviews is to be a good soccer player and student. But if I’m late then I won’t be a good student or soccer player. In the Middle Ages, time was important because they needed to know when they needed to harvest their crops so they could have something to eat and so that they could make money and a profit.


For the society aspect of worldview I drew a crown because in the Middle Ages, they used a monarchy system and they didn’t have much of a say. That shows a lot about the societies in the Middle Ages because everyone did there own, because if they stood up, the king said that they wouldn’t go to heaven, so what people did, was that they just did what they were supposed to do and then they would get to go to a better place after they died. They didn’t work very well as a group because they didn’t think that it was worth it. Unless it was in the crusades because if they all believed in the same thing, then they would all work towards a goal. That relates to today because people today will all work towards a goal if they all believe in the same thing.


For beliefs I drew a church, I did this because it was a very large religion at the time and it still is today. I also did it because a huge part of the crusades was influenced by religion and fighting over Jerusalem. It was also relates to today because there are currently wars in the same place as in the crusades and they are partly influenced by religion, but not as much as in the crusades. Religion was also a big part of why people did things and it influenced the way they acted towards each other.

The reason why I chose this piece of art is because it shows a king and at the time, everything happened because of the king including their beliefs, jobs, and life. The worldview that was shared by many people in the Middle Ages, isn’t that different to mine today. And through this project I learnt that even though things may look extremely different, you can still find a way to connect to it.

Artwork Paragraph 

I chose three different aspects of worldview that relate to mine and the ones from the Middle Ages. The reason why I chose to do a clock is because the it shows all of the different aspects of a medieval worldview (at least one of a framers.) This is because a clock shows what time it is and it told the farmers the season and when they would have to harvest their crops. Without time, they would die of starvation because they wouldn’t know when to harvest their crops. I added a crown to represent society because in the Middle Ages, everyone was ruled by a king, and all of the orders throughout the kingdom, came from that one person. For the beliefs aspect of worldview, I drew a church. This is because in the Middle Ages, the majority of people were Christian, and religion was a main aspect of why the crusades even happened in the first place. These were my three aspects of worldview that I chose to represent and I think that they all relate to my current worldview. 

Artwork Choice Chart 

For the artwork choice chart, we had to take medieval art and say how it connected to our worldview.

Sketch and Tell ✏️

The Process 🔄

To make the medieval art I had to learn a lot of different things about the medieval times and Middle Ages to actually make it. We did this by doing the role sheets and reading the Book Of The Lion. We also got different perspectives by reading about the Haudenosaunee and their worldviews. I communicated this art to answer this driving question by choosing things in my art that represented the worldviews of people in the Middle Ages such as the flat earth for geography, the cross for beliefs, and an old clock for time. If I made one that represented my worldview, it would look different but also pretty similar. I answered the driving question because I saw that it was similar to my worldview today, and how it connected to back then. We can learn from it because we can reflect on what we did wrong and we can learn from our mistakes and we can know how to do something better. We had to work in groups. Cole, Sven, and I made a presentation about Genghis Kahn and we talked about his personality and his impact on the world today. We all collaborated and drew a statue representing all the different things that he did and his impact on the world today. We drew him making the first ever mongol language which were called “yams.”

Conclusion ✅

I think that the past is definitely relevant to today and through this project, it has really helped me realize how much of an impact it has on us. I will remember this project for being difficult and challenging but also for teaching me so much. I learnt so much about medieval times and worldview (which I didn’t think was possible after my last project.) from reading The Book Of The Lion, making artwork charts and inserting ourselves into medieval art, this was a very interesting and important project to do and overall, I really enjoyed it!

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