Gnarly Mountain Biking

Mountain biking, one of the greatest sports ever invented. What’s not to like? The adrenaline rush, the difficult climb to the top, and the concentration to overcome obstacles. In this section of my blog, you will learn why mountain biking is one of my favourite activities.

One of my favourite mountain bikers is named Jackson Goldstone, he is one of the people I look up to and he is also a very inspirational person.

I try to copy his riding style to my greatest ability, but that isn’t always easy.

One of the things I like most about mountain biking is riding with friends while challenging yourself go constantly improve and get better. Mountain biking is a sport where you try to compete with yourself rather against other people.

I can be found riding my bike mostly on Mt Seymour, but I occasionally ride on Fromme and in the summer, Whistler, Squamish, and Cumberland. My favourite trail is John Deere, because you can go down it with a lot of speed without worrying about getting sketchy on a jump or drop. Every time I ride it, I find a new line and I try to challenge myself to do something harder each time.

This is a photo of me riding Pauls on the dark side of Seymour.

The hardest part about mountain biking is trying something for the first time. This is because everything looks harder the first time you do it. But you have to overcome your fears of doing that hard feature and just send it!