Atom Chase – A Video Game Based Off Neutrons

🏎️ Driving Question:

The driving question for this project was:How can we model our knowledge of the atom in a fun and creative way?

What Did we Do?

There were many things that we had to do to complete this project, we had to figure out how to use scratch, thankfully I had done it when I was like 8 and I somehow remembered how to do the basics. We had to learn about atoms one the periodic table and how when different atoms and properties are mixed it can make a different product. We had to apply that knowledge to our game and we had to show that we learnt something from the experiments and tests that we conducted.

How Did We Make The Game?

We constructed our video game using scratch and at first it was difficult and hard, but then I got the hang of it and started to make some progress when… the IMPOSSIBLE happened. I got logged out and my whole entire game deleted and I had no way of fixing it. I was devastated. I had to start from scratch (no pun intended) and I decided to read through some instructions carefully but also have more ideas and input of my own into the game.

Trial and Error

For this project I had to try different things that I thought would work… but they didn’t most of the time. It was difficult and there were times when I wanted to stop and do something else, but I couldn’t, I had to find a different way to make the code work the way I wanted it to. I decided to search up tutorials on how to use scratch and how to make the sprites and code work the right way.

My Game!

You are trying to collect 10,000 elements and each one is worth 100 points. You are running away from a nucleus that is chasing after you. There are 3 of them. It communicates to my knowledge of atoms because I show the structure of the nucleus and atoms and what an element on the periodic table looks like.

Revisions and Reflections

We Had to get our game to get reviewed by two other classmates, this is what they said: “It worked smoothly and it looked really good, and it had a good premise and the idea was good.”
”I wish that there were multiple levels.” Overall, I think that it definitely introduces a more exciting and fun aspect of science to coding and even though it was stressful to make, it was a great way to demonstrate the concept of coding and science together. Thank you for reading and have a great rest of your day!!😁😀



Working With Words and Writing Poems

🏎️ How might I write poetry that I enjoy and shows who I am?

This was the driving question for the project “Working With Words” I was really confused, worried, and muddled when I found out what the project was about. We had to write a book full of poems using different poem techniques and using different types of poetry. The poems had to relate to our worldview and they each had to have a theme. It sounds complex, which it was until I figured out how to write a good poem. I wouldn’t exactly call myself a poet, but some of the poems I wrote were actually pretty good. But how did I get here? What did my poems look like? What was the progress of writing them? Allow me to explain.

Simile Poem

This was the first poem that I wrote in this project. It was probably one of the easiest because I just compared my worldview to different things.

Extended Metaphor Poem

I wrote my extended metaphor poem on flames because I think that it represents poetry well and it shows who I am as a person. This was one of the hardest ones to write and I made sure to put in lots of time on it. The flames aspect really helped describe what poetry meant to me but it was hard to write because I had to compare poetry to fire and they are similar and also very different.

Sound Poem

For the sound poem I wrote about playing soccer because it’s a very big part of my life and it’s very important to me. I put in all the different sounds that come whit playing soccer, which wasn’t hard because I play so much soccer. It was definitely on of the easiest poems to write because I didn’t have to think about it very much, I just had to write sounds down that related to soccer and I had to explain how it related to my worldview. Here’s what I said: “This represents my worldview because soccer is a large part of my worldview. This is because I value going outside and saying in good shape and being with friends and working towards something. I included parts such as talking to my friends and saying hi to them because friends are a important part”


We had to write three Haikus that related to our Worldview. Haikus are written in lines in patterns of 5 syllables 7 syllables and then 5 syllables. I wrote mine on what it’s like to be asleep when it’s raining and about walking on to a soccer pitch. This was difficult because we had to follow some rules, but I eventually got the hang of it and it was actually pretty easy!

Found Poem

For the found poem, we had to take a piece of writing and turn it into a poem by taking things out and moving them around. I took the piece of text from the hobbit. It was hard because we had to take things out and make a poem. This was hard because every little detail mattered and we needed to write it using correct grammar and punctuation. We could only add two words to make it fit together, so it was really hard.

Experience Poem

For this section, we had to write a poem based on an experience. This was quite easy to do because I had to write about an experience I had and make it in a poem. I did it on a movie theatre. Just like all my poems, I had to say why it related to my worldview and here’s what I said: The theme was think twice before you do something that may be dangerous or it can cause you harm. I chose this because it was an experience that really stood out to me.

About Me Video

For our about me video, we had to make it about us and the things we enjoy doing. I made one where I talked about the things I like doing and a more engaging video one.

Poetry Book

we had to put all of our poems into a book that displayed all of the poems that we wrote.



This was one of the shortest projects at PLP so far! Even though it was mainly focused on writing, it was still very fun! It seemed to go by so fast and I definitely learnt a lot. This blog post definitely did not capture how much we did in the short time period so that’s why we put all of our poems in a book! Thank you so much for reading this and I hope you read some of my other posts! Bye!! 👋




Radical Innovations or How It’s Going


For the winter exhibition, we had our parents come into the gym to look at our work. What did we even do? We presented a set of 3 tableaus, one in medieval times, one in the Renaissance, and one in contemporary time. A tableau is made up of people that stand without moving creating art or a scene. In each tableau we had to include seven different aspects of worldview. “Woah woah” I know, it sounds like a lot of information, but allow me to explain.

Medieval Tableau

The rehearsal version of the Medieval tableau

For the medieval tableau, Julia was horse to represent Geography, I was the speaker and I explained the tableau, Carmyn was a king to represent society and the wagon represented Economy, we had a sundial to represent time. We represented knowledge by adding a map, this is because educated people knew how maps worked and how to make them. The king also represented values because people valued a king to make important decisions for a society. To show beliefs, we had a cross on the king’s neck, this is because at the time, Christianity was a very popular religion.

Renaissance Tableau

The Renaissance tableau was the second hardest one to make and present (in my opinion.) To represent time, we had a more modern clock like the ones that were used in clock towers.  We showed values and society by including the king, because in the Renaissance times, the king held tons of power and pretty much every society had a monarchy. Economy was represented using the food wagon, because many people’s source of income was through farming and agriculture. Knowledge was the painter because painting is very difficult and requires someone who’s smart and knowledgeable. Me reading the bible represents beliefs because the bible is a book the many Christians refer to.

The Renaissance tableau during the exhibition

Contemporary Tableau 

The contemporary tableau was likely the hardest one because we had many props such as the voting booth, the ballot box, the food truck, and the clock. This made it hard because we had to take out multiple props out, and we only had 20 seconds to do so. The voting box represented values because most people today value the right to have a say and voice their opinions. The food truck represented economy and geography because many people buy and eat food from restaurants and the food truck represented geography because it could move to different places to sell food. The large clock represented time, Economy would also been showed by Ella holding the phone, because she was ordering food. The voting booth also demonstrated and displayed knowledge.

The contemporary tableau


We made the triptych using the three different tableaux. We made it digitally in Super Impose X. Most of the time, something the same carries through all three panels.

Renaissance Artwork

We also created the Renaissance artwork in Super Impose X, and by the time this project ended, I was a lot better with using it then I was at the beginning of the project. It was a lot like the Medieval one that I did, except it was in the Renaissance. One thing that I would’ve done differently was to do a better job of combining the image of me with the background.

Renaissance Paragraph

When we had completed the majority of the project, we had to write a paragraph talking about it. This was kind of difficult because there was many things that we had done so far, and it was hard to explain all of it. We had to revise it, and before I talked and talked, so I shortened it, and talked about my main points.


this project was definitely the hardest one yet in PLP that I’ve done. We had to put in many hours after school working on the project, and it was difficult working in a group because we had to communicate with all of our group members. The good thing about it was that I learnt how an exhibition worked, and I also learnt so much about the Renaissance and medieval times. Thank you for reading my blog post and hopefully you’ll look out for my next ones 😁.

Different Aspects of Drawing


This project was… difficult (for me anyways.) this is probably because it was mainly focused on drawing in Sketches Pro, and… I can’t really draw. I had to explore different techniques which included using colour to make our drawings look better, we had to sketch and doodle, we used lights and shadows, and we drew different shapes and made a robot using lines and pressure. But HOW did I do all this? Read on if you want to find out.

Lines and Pressure

For the first section of the project, we had to explore the tool bar by testing out all of the different tools.

Then using the knowledge that we gained from playing around with the tool bar and talking with the class, we had to make block letters of a word or our name using a certain font and we had to use multiple techniques and tools to create it. I tried to focus on the colour blue, and I based my drawing off of it.

Emoji Art

For this aspect of art, we had to draw an emoji using colour, 2D shapes, and even some lighting. It was hard to think of something to draw for it, so I thought of something that I like doing. That’s when I came up with soccer, if I could combine the two, then I could make something like this:

I tried to emphasize the ball being headed with force by drawing waves where the ball was. The first time I drew it I didn’t have it and it seemed like it was missing something. We used 2D shapes to make the emoji, but for the next part, we used something a bit more complex.

Lights, Shadows, and 3D Shapes 

I think that this part was the most fun part of the project, but also one of the hardest. I enjoy drawing things in 3D because it shows depth and perspective on simple things and shapes. We started off by drawing shapes with the pencil and then we worked up to drawing things using the shapes. But first I should talk about the shapes we drew. I used the pencil tool to make shapes because it was good at shading. This is because the harder you press, the darker the line is, much like a real pencil. I had a hard time drawing the shapes at first because the lines weren’t very straight and sharp, but eventually I got the hang of it. I did this by trying with a ruler, and then putting what I learnt from that into the shapes.

Making a Logo

This was one of the more difficult drawings to make. It sounded quite simple. Make a logo. But it was more complex than that. It was difficult because thinking a name and a logo that fit the brand was hard. The other thing that made it a difficult task was that we had to think of everything ourselves and it had to be a completely original idea.

I tried to emphasize the blueness of the sky in my logo and the darkness of the mountains for contrast. I kept it simple because most mountain bike companies don’t have complex logos. If I could do anything again, I would take my time on the finer details so it looked less rushed.


In conclusion, I realized how important this project will be for later on because I need to use the Apple Pencil in most of my projects to come. If you had shown me the drawings I had made before I started the project, I probably wouldn’t believe that I had drawn them. I learnt plenty of things in this project like how to use sketches pro, how to use colour fill, how to shade using the pencil tool, and even how to make a logo. Overall, this was a great project that I enjoyed doing. Thank you for reading this post, and if you liked it, check out the rest of my blog!

Power Play During the Medieval Times


Our driving question was “Can we learn from the past and why does that matter to us today?” Yes we can, but it goes much deeper than just that. How? We read ‘The Book of the Lion,’ put ourselves into medieval art, and did a LOT of reflecting. So sit back and relax while I explain what happened.

The Book of the Lion 

The Book of the Lion wasn’t the greatest book I’ve ever read. It was about a boy named Edmund living during the crusades. We had to connect our lives to life during the crusades, which might sound hard but it wasn’t as difficult as I expected. We did this by doing rly sheets, which we also did in “It’s the End of the World as we Know it.”

Role sheet reflection:

Something that I could’ve done better is taking my time on the drawings and creating drafts. Another thing that I could’ve done is doing it before the last day and not having not rush it. That way my work could’ve been more insightful and more proficient. I also didn’t have two questions. I forgot to add another one because I was in such a rush to finish it. If I set goals and an earlier date to do it by, I would more time to make it better and it would be my best work, but since I rushed it, It wasn’t very good, ad I wasn’t proud of it. Next time, I will make sure to take my time and to set a reminder on things (I already did this but I didn’t have a widget so I wasn’t able to visually see it.)

Artwork Explanation 🗣️

We can learn from our past by learning about our worldview, I realized how similar my life was to the medieval times. There are a lot of things that we can learn from it by fixing our mistakes and learning from them. 


The reason why I put a clock on the art is because time was very important in the Middle Ages and people treated it with great respect. This is because people in the Middle Ages made whole buildings that told the time. I also really depend on time because I like to be on time for school and activities like soccer. It connects to my worldview because if I’m late for school or soccer, then my teachers and coaches won’t be happy with me, and one of my worldviews is to be a good soccer player and student. But if I’m late then I won’t be a good student or soccer player. In the Middle Ages, time was important because they needed to know when they needed to harvest their crops so they could have something to eat and so that they could make money and a profit.


For the society aspect of worldview I drew a crown because in the Middle Ages, they used a monarchy system and they didn’t have much of a say. That shows a lot about the societies in the Middle Ages because everyone did there own, because if they stood up, the king said that they wouldn’t go to heaven, so what people did, was that they just did what they were supposed to do and then they would get to go to a better place after they died. They didn’t work very well as a group because they didn’t think that it was worth it. Unless it was in the crusades because if they all believed in the same thing, then they would all work towards a goal. That relates to today because people today will all work towards a goal if they all believe in the same thing.


For beliefs I drew a church, I did this because it was a very large religion at the time and it still is today. I also did it because a huge part of the crusades was influenced by religion and fighting over Jerusalem. It was also relates to today because there are currently wars in the same place as in the crusades and they are partly influenced by religion, but not as much as in the crusades. Religion was also a big part of why people did things and it influenced the way they acted towards each other.

The reason why I chose this piece of art is because it shows a king and at the time, everything happened because of the king including their beliefs, jobs, and life. The worldview that was shared by many people in the Middle Ages, isn’t that different to mine today. And through this project I learnt that even though things may look extremely different, you can still find a way to connect to it.

Artwork Paragraph 

I chose three different aspects of worldview that relate to mine and the ones from the Middle Ages. The reason why I chose to do a clock is because the it shows all of the different aspects of a medieval worldview (at least one of a framers.) This is because a clock shows what time it is and it told the farmers the season and when they would have to harvest their crops. Without time, they would die of starvation because they wouldn’t know when to harvest their crops. I added a crown to represent society because in the Middle Ages, everyone was ruled by a king, and all of the orders throughout the kingdom, came from that one person. For the beliefs aspect of worldview, I drew a church. This is because in the Middle Ages, the majority of people were Christian, and religion was a main aspect of why the crusades even happened in the first place. These were my three aspects of worldview that I chose to represent and I think that they all relate to my current worldview. 

Artwork Choice Chart 

For the artwork choice chart, we had to take medieval art and say how it connected to our worldview.

Sketch and Tell ✏️

The Process 🔄

To make the medieval art I had to learn a lot of different things about the medieval times and Middle Ages to actually make it. We did this by doing the role sheets and reading the Book Of The Lion. We also got different perspectives by reading about the Haudenosaunee and their worldviews. I communicated this art to answer this driving question by choosing things in my art that represented the worldviews of people in the Middle Ages such as the flat earth for geography, the cross for beliefs, and an old clock for time. If I made one that represented my worldview, it would look different but also pretty similar. I answered the driving question because I saw that it was similar to my worldview today, and how it connected to back then. We can learn from it because we can reflect on what we did wrong and we can learn from our mistakes and we can know how to do something better. We had to work in groups. Cole, Sven, and I made a presentation about Genghis Kahn and we talked about his personality and his impact on the world today. We all collaborated and drew a statue representing all the different things that he did and his impact on the world today. We drew him making the first ever mongol language which were called “yams.”

Conclusion ✅

I think that the past is definitely relevant to today and through this project, it has really helped me realize how much of an impact it has on us. I will remember this project for being difficult and challenging but also for teaching me so much. I learnt so much about medieval times and worldview (which I didn’t think was possible after my last project.) from reading The Book Of The Lion, making artwork charts and inserting ourselves into medieval art, this was a very interesting and important project to do and overall, I really enjoyed it!

It’s the End of the World! *Wait.. Not Really*

It’s the End of the World!!!

It’s the end of the world? Wait, no not really, we had to write a song, sing it, record a music video, and post it to our YouTube channels (which certainly felt like the end of the world). In our project, we made a song that was like“The End of the World as we Know it” and we had to tie it together to our worldviews by reading and comprehending the Outsiders and how their worldview in the book still relates to our worldview today. We did a lot of small assignments such as our MindNode, in which we connected different aspects of our worldview and we commented our beliefs on the certain aspect of worldview we also had to write lyrics for our song, and we devolved and reviewed the song until it was good enough and we liked it. The finished project was our video which you can watch here:

The Outsiders:

In this part of our project we read the book “The Outsiders” and we reflected on it by doing role sheets. We also talked in our groups and discussed about the different role sheets and then we assessed ourselves on how we think we did in our discussions. When we finished the book, we watched the movie. I recommend reading the book, but it really helped me connect to the driving question: How can a text help me understand myself as my worldview is changing? The text in the driving question was the Outsiders and why it helped me understand my own worldview was that it was about teenagers around my age, and they were very different from me, but some things still were the same.

The Ousiders by S.E. Hinton


To end off this blog post, I felt like it was right to say how much this project taught me. If there is one thing that I have learnt from my first few months at PLP, it’s that when you finish a project, it’s not done. You take the knowledge that you learnt from it, and apply it to the projects to come. Worldview is a great example of that. In our other projects, we always refer to worldview, and this was a great way to start everything off, by doing a project on something that I will need until grade 12! Thank you for reading! And I’ll be sure to post again soon.


Reflecting on my First Maker Project

“Failure is success in progress” -Albert Einstein, this quote really summed up this project. In my first ever maker project I made a slideshow documenting who I was as a PLP learner. I learnt a lot of different things in this project and there was a lot of things that I did well in. 

What I actually did right,

I thought that one of the things that I did well in was when I used my current knowledge that I already had, I combined it with the things that my teachers had taught me to use. Another thing that I thought that I did well on was my reflection. At PLP reflecting is where you do a lot of your learning because it teaches you what you could’ve done better and how you can apply that to your next project. I did this in my reflection slide of my keynote:

I was also very proud of the things that we drew and explored with using the Apple Pencil, I learnt a lot from that experience and it will be extremely useful in my years to come with PLP.

“Isn’t this a reflection blog post?” 

My Nike shoe that we made in a keynote slide using different techniques.

Something I could’ve done better was handing it in in the correct format. When I handed it in to my teacher, I used the wrong format and I had to do it again. I think this could’ve been a good thing though, because it gave me a chance to look things over and improve on them. The other thing that I thought that I could’ve improved on was the voice recording. I was in a rush to get it done, so I barely had the chance to review it. I think if I was more prepared and had finished everything else, I would be able to do a better and clearer job of it. It sounded too scripted and there was a lot of background noise. Something that I will do better next time on this will to take my time on little things because it all adds up to your final project. The last thing that I needed improving on was to make my edits for stickers that were on my laptop to be more relevant to what the stickers were, the animations just seemed random and rushed, which they were. If I were to do it again, I would take my time on smaller details like that and make the animations more relevant and visually appealing.

So, who am I as a PLP learner?

My Memoji that had the sticker animations

I think that this project, “Who an I as a PLP Learner?” might actually be one of the most helpful projects because I learnt so much about myself and how I prefer to learn, it will most certainly be helpful to my years to come with. Through this project I’ve realized that I’m a learner who thinks creatively and outside of the box, and I sometimes try to take the lead in projects while other times I prefer to do my work and have someone else lead the team to success. I learnt how to post on YouTube, how to make a blog, how to use all the different features on the Apple Pencil, and even how to use keynote properly. Whether it was carving pumpkins and drawing shoes in keynote, to posting our final project to YouTube, It certainly was a rollercoaster of a project and one that I will hopefully never forget. Thank you for reading my blog, and have a great rest of your day.

The Haudenosaunee And Their Perspectives

Where the Haudenosaunee lived, and the borders that separated the different groups.

Who were they?

The Haudenosaunee were a large group of indigenous people who lived on the eastern side of Canada. There was five different groups of them and together they made up the Haudenosaunee confederacy. The Peacemaker would ask each of all the five nations to pick men to be their leaders. The leaders were called hoyaneh and they played a very important role.

What does that show us in terms of perspective?

I think that showed perspective on the way that they acted because that is a similar government system that we use today and the Haudenosaunee continue to do this today. Another thing that they believed in was the seventh generation principal, which was a law that was in section 24 of the great law of peace. It makes people think ahead and assess their actions. They still do this today because they think about what they do before they act and they haven’t forgotten this rule. The last one is that they protect and love the earth. They showed this by protecting it and not taking more than they needed. They continue this today because in a speech by Leon Shenandoah, he said that they were “instructed to carry a love for one another and to show great respect for the earth we must live in harmony with the natural world and recognize that excessive exploitation can only lead to our own destruction.” That shows that they still believe in their rules and guidelines that they set down many years ago.


That was my post on the Haudenosaunee’s worldviews and perspectives, I hoped you learnt something and if not, I happen you found it a least interesting and informative to read.

Gnarly Mountain Biking

This is my first post about whatever I want to post about and I chose mountain biking, which is one of the greatest sports ever invented. What’s not to like? The adrenaline rush, the difficult climb to the top, and the concentration to overcome obstacles. In this section of my blog, you will learn why mountain biking is one of my favourite activities.

What even is mountain biking?

Mountain biking is a sport where you try to go down a steep traverse, hill, or mountain and there are different features that you can hit, such as jumps, berms, drops, gaps, tabletops, wooden skinny’s, rock gardens, and so much more! You can go up hills and climb, you can traverse steep rocky cliffs, or you can travel cross country and discover new destinations and fascinating places.

Ok, so who does mountain biking?

One of my favourite mountain bikers is named Jackson Goldstone, he is one of the people I look up to and he is also a very inspirational person.

I try to copy his riding style to my greatest ability, but that isn’t always easy. Mountain biking is extremely popular on the north shore of Vancouver. It is done almost worldwide and it was made popular in the 1980s in the United States.

Why do you even enjoy mountain biking?

One of the things I like most about mountain biking is riding with friends while challenging yourself go constantly improve and get better. Mountain biking is a sport where you try to compete with yourself rather against other people.

I can be found riding my bike mostly on Mt Seymour, but I occasionally ride on Fromme and in the summer, Whistler, Squamish, and Cumberland. My favourite trail is John Deere, because you can go down it with a lot of speed without worrying about getting sketchy on a jump or drop. Every time I ride it, I find a new line and I try to challenge myself to do something harder each time.

This is a photo of me riding Pauls on the dark side of Seymour.

The struggles of mountain biking:

The hardest part about mountain biking is trying something for the first time. This is because everything looks harder the first time you do it. But you have to overcome your fears of doing that hard feature and just send it!


If you are interested in trying mountain biking, you should definitely consider giving it a try because it is a great way to get outside and to meet new people!

About Me

User Guide: Samuel 

Brand: PLP Learner

Model: Sam Bailey iOS 1.3


Congratulations on your new PLP learner, Samuel, also called Sam. He has many different functions, qualities, and abilities that he is not limited to but comes equipped with. Including:

  • Talking to friends about interesting topics
  • Engaging in conversations that have anything to do with football (soccer) teams or games
  • Having an open mind to learning


Before you access Sam for the first time, you must start the conversation with something Football (soccer) related. Otherwise, he won’t be fully interested. Your Sam will respond much more accordingly if you start off a topic with something he enjoys, but make sure not to talk about it too much, otherwise he might get off topic which may not be beneficial to learning. 


Samuel 1.3 is active during the day, but also very accessible. He is in five places during school hours. Such as Gym, French, Humanities, Maker, or in the cafeteria enjoying lunch. He is most functional in the cafeteria when he is open to talking to anyone and is engaging in conversation.

When he is not at school, he might at home doing homework or socializing with friends. He can also be found mountain biking on Mt Seymour or playing Football (soccer) with his team. He can be contacted at or at Although he might take a while to get back to you, he will be happy to talk or answer any questions that you may have about him!



Sam has three main settings: Student, Soccer Player, and Mountain Biker. 

Setting 1: Student

This is the mode that you will be with your Sam 1.3 the most. This is his default setting from 9am to 3pm. Sam has two classes in PLP and two other classes outside of PLP. You will be able to find him learning and creating ideas in the PLP classes, running around and trying his best in Gym, and speaking a new language in French class.

Setting 2: Soccer player

In soccer player mode (which is activated 5 times a week) Sam 1.3 is constantly running and competing for the ball. He is quite competitive in this mode and he is very focused on what he is doing. If you try to contact him during this mode, you will have to wait until he has switched out of it.

Setting 3: Mountain Biker

Sam is the most focused when engaging in this mode. Do not try to speak to him, because he is completely focused on the trail ahead of him and if you need to get ahold of him during this mode, just wait until he’s finished his ride and he will be more than happy to talk to you!


This device may…

  • Talk excessively about soccer and if it is during class, remind him that he is in a learning environment and needs to focus on his work.
  • Annoy you because he may not get back to your emails or texts in time.
  • Tire you with the amount of talking about mountain biking and other things that the Samuel 1.3 enjoys.


Problem  Solution
You aren’t sure about a homework assignment. You can ask Sam what it is, he will be glad to help you out (if he knows the answer).
You are having trouble with something. Sam can try and make things better by telling you jokes or by explaining something that you didn’t understand 
You are in need of help with soccer. Sam has lots of experience with soccer and would be honored to help you improve and get better.


  • Fuel with talk about soccer especially his favourite team, Manchester United.
  • Being kind to not just him, but the others around you will ensure that he is in peak condition.
  • Talking about unique topics and learning in groups.