The project that I missed half of.

My crusades dialog

What was this project and why did I miss half of it well that’s what I’m going to tell you in this tiny post. But first we need to find out What can we learn from the past, and why does that matter to us today? First we need to delve into what I did in this project most of it I didn’t know what to do but still first I’ll start with the most fun thing in my opinion we did this project making a dialog skit.

Oliver : hey I see you by the way

Sawyer : oh well I can’t say it’s good to see you

Oliver: I though you said you’d never speak to us again…….BROTHER!!!!!!!

Sawyer: I’m sorry for what i did but its just my beliefs 

Oliver: want to talk about it I wont tell mom

Sawyer: ok but make it fast i have somewhere to be

“The brothers go to a fire and talk”

Oliver: so your now Muslim huh

Sawyer: yah and your Christian

Oliver: i think that what the crusades are doing to you guys is terrible

Sawyer: yah last week i went to a town that had been raided what i saw…what they did to us it was terrible 

Marc: HEY what are you guys talking about 

Oliver: oh god don’t scare me like that

Marc: I’m thinking about joining the crusade’s

Sawyer:i don’t think you should they kill us rob us they are terrible people

Oliver: both people are being bad the Muslim’s are taking our land but the Christian’s are being very brutal i just want both people to stop

Marc and sawyer: yah same

Sawyer: just being in the middle of this is terrible

Oliver: yah.

End of script.

The book of the lion

The fun part about it was that we got to present our scripts to the class but sadly I wasn’t there for the presentation because I was deathly sick with the disease called “The cold” I know very menacing. But overall me and my partners worked …… I wouldn’t say that hard because it was just dialogue but it was a fun part of this dragging on project. Probably the biggest part of this project was we had to read another book. I have to say the allure with the books in this program is very big and I hope I wont have another one for this new project. But the book we read was The book of the lion and it was alright. I mean I wouldn’t say it was the best things I’ve read but I’m still thinking about if its bad or not. It’s set in the medieval era so that must mean oh yeah this project was centred around those times. If you read my last post you know that there’s work sheets to do as we read the book and reflections of those sheets so basically the same thing.

Chinggis Khan tribute

The next thing we did or the one of the last things we did was create a tribute to a leader not any ordinary one though you had to pick one of these three SALAH AL-DIN, CHINGGIS KHAN, and ELEANOR OF AQUITAINE. There was multiple options for a tribute like a poem a video a song or something like that. My group worked on a video oh and I forgot to mention that we had 20 minutes so we were on a bit of a time crunch. One person worked on the video while me and the other were sending him photos and dialog to use for the video. For 20 minutes I think we did pretty good but it’s up to you to. (I did not have the music choice.)

My Movie 6

the artwork starring me!

For the final thing we did for this project we had to find a painting from the year 1100 to 1650 and place ourselves inside the image. We had to learn how to use a new app called superimpose it was pretty easy to make funny photos. We had to get a good photo for that background and it really only took 10 – 20 minutes to make so it was simple. You might want to see this good art that I made so here it is and thank you for reading the post about the project that I missed half the assignments for.

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