Words of wisdom (declaration)
Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.
What was first
Now First we have probably the most important project and one of my personal favourites the blogging challenge. After every project we have to wright a blog post about the project and without this project there wouldn’t be any blog posts which is really sad. This project taught me how to format and how to make good blog post ready for review. This project also told me how to make the blog besides from the posts which is the most important part.
My favourite thing I’ve done🎮
My favourite thing I’ve done was indeed my scratch game which was really fun to code and. Build.
Stuff I got the hang of
Now I think I got an ok understanding of the whole criteria for assignments like this and others before it. I also have an understanding over how to manage you time accordingly which is something that I have really improved on since the start of the year. Another note is that I have a pretty good understanding of the scratch game since I do like coding and building stuff. There’s some other things that I have definitely gotten a pretty good understanding over like taking notes, following along, and much more.
What’s a learning plan?
The learning plan was a sheet we got earlier into the year around October. This was a important topic with there being agency engagement and preparation. You had to fill out these boxes including growth, strengths, and support with things correlating to them. This sheet also came with success behaviours to help you writing these and helping you with success.
Areas for improvement
I have definitely improved on my speech and presenting stuff but I could go to more group meeting if I’m in a group. Now I did talk about time management before and I have gotten better but I can really do more to better with it. Could definitely do more for group work since I feel like I don’t do much to help. Now with the more working side I could really put more effort into making stand alone things like writing an entire script for a video or something like that.
Some strategies and habits I could do to help
- setting timers for work blocks and breaks
- getting help from teachers/ parents
- experiment with formatting
- take better notes
And there’s a lot more.
The one and only thing that I didn’t quite like
Now this whole experience has been pretty fun and I do like most of it except for one thing. In my first project we had to create new lyrics to a song then sing it. Now I am not much of singer so you can see how I didn’t like this very much, great introduction.
How have I grown since the start of the year
At the start of the year I was doing sub-par work but with my new found wisdom and talent I have learnt to do ok or pretty good work. Seen on the learning plan I have gotten better at most of the stuff but some I’m not so sure that I have done correctly. I have learnt a lot about worldview and about cool cells in science which is very cool. I think I have developed pretty well in this half school year and am hopefully taller than I was in September.
The big question. What have I learned this year
Well I have learned to focus way more on class work and when being explained stuff. Also to manage time and be more efficient with working because I wasn’t very good at that prior. I have learned how to make blogs and to become a PLP learner. Along with that how to really express myself in writing paragraphs and small essays. Now I could go on and on about the stuff that I have learned but I feel like this is a good place to stop. I hope you liked my presentation and bid you a farewell.