This project was without a doubt the longest project out of every project I’ve done. This project was all about cells and their function like the white blood cell. So this blog post isn’t 50 years long I will just talk about the big things we did this project. The first big thing draw or find a picture of a cell that we were assigned and do a presentation about it.
Me and the person I worked with got assigned the cell membrane and the cytoplasm. Many people were lazy and just found pictures where I took the time to draw all the intricate details of the cells. We had to wright about What the cells grow in, describe the function of the cell(s), and an analogy of the function. This really didn’t require much work just some internet searching and plenty of time drawing ( almost a hour ) and labeling and all the information was done. Now I did the drawing and the most part of the information while my partner did the designing of the slides in Canva.
The next thing we did was SWAB THE SCHOOL! We had to go around with Petri dishes and cotton swabs and swab stuff. But first we had to make a question mine was “What has more bacteria something that isn’t often touched or something that is often touched”. I tested a bathroom door handle hand a closet door just the door not the handle. All of this work and for what A BOOK more specifically a field journal. As you might have guessed the door handle had more bacteria by a long shot like so much more. Surprisingly by the final day the closet door had some mold on it and other little yellow and red dots. The bathroom handle had a lot of fuzzy big round circles on the surface. Without further ado here is the book.
The next thing we did was about the innate immune system and the adaptive immune system. Some properties of the innate immune system that help us are, eyelashes, tears, and nose hair. All of these things help to keep bad things out of the body but what if they get in? That’s where the adaptive immune system comes into play. The white blood cell is the most known of the cells but there are others that help like the T-cells. There are 3 types of T-cells, the helper T-cell, memory T-cell, and the killer T-cell. They all have important properties to the adaptive immune system like warning the body, help killing the pathogen, and remembering the pathogen. There are others like the B-cell which produces Antibodies to help the macrophage eat the cell after the T-cells have killed it. With all this new found information we had to make what is basically Pokémon cards. We needed to draw the cells and add information about them. Now we didn’t need to make them look like cells you could just put a stick man and call him joe. Well obviously you can’t just do that you need to put some effort into the drawing and the names. What I did was I drew the outline of cells and drew sports teams logo’s that I know on them and some of them look really good.
Just about the last thing we learnt about this project was vaccines. We learnt all about different types of vaccines and how they were made like the alive and dead vaccines. The alive vaccines were made with alive cells of the pathogen that the vaccine was for. The dead vaccine was made of a bunch of dead pathogens that the vaccine was for. One of the most popular uses and the first inactivated vaccine was the polio vaccine developed in 1955 by Dr. Jonas Salk. Another instance of a vaccine is the subunit vaccine. The subunit vaccine is when the chop up very small pieces of the virus and create a vaccine from it.
From all this knowledge of vaccines we had to make a media campaign where we had to talk about a popular theory about vaccines. Like one of them microchips in vaccines and me personally I did how vaccines do NOT cause autism. These news letters were cool to make and do research on to find out why people believe this. For the first ad I actually got a tip from a friend which was that Canva had an AI image generator to generate specific images. I requested for syringes because there was no really good ones on the internet. So with all the build up here is the campaign.