The Renaissance
Much like the post I did on the Medieval times where we learned about items that were invented in that time period and what not. Much like our other project we superimposed ourselves into a painting from that time in the world. In our last painting we had to find a painting made from the 1100 to 1650 and this time around we got a shorter time frame of 1 to 200 years less than we did before.
As you can see in this photo that shows my expertise in working with images and some items from that time period such as the clock, and the compass. While working on this I forgot to import a background from the Renaissance which is sad because the background would’ve made the picture feel like more of a renaissance photo. A little bit before that we did a short class of the witch trials that were being held around that time lets take a look.
The witch trials
The time the witch trials were being held were between February 1692 and may 1693 so just a bit over a year. Although the very first suspicion of witchcraft was in 1618. The total number of people killed in Europe for witchcraft and things like that are 12000 but the estimation for the whole world is 35000 to 50000. The most popular of the bunch were the Salem witch trials which are the most talked about and memorable ones that were held.
The final stretch
For the last month of the project or last few weeks we were put into groups to make a tableau with out whole group in the Medieval times, the Renaissance, and modern day. You may be asking what was all this for you didn’t just get put into groups just to hand something right? No we had to present and PREFORM this tableau at the dawning winter exhibition which was the big thing we’ve been working up to for the past four months.
We had to make props or just bring props from home ( this was the most time consuming part). We had to skillfully craft swords shields and other objects from these eras from cardboard and then paint them. We made all sorts of things from voting box’s to church’s that could be turned around into an Apple store. With these final tableaus being made we also made digital ones which is where you insert your group into a photo background. This part you think would be easy well some of it is but you hade to fit your pictures into a frame and do all the editing so it was hard in it’s own way. After all the wait from these few paragraphs here is the final digital tableau!
You might notice that I was not in these photos well I left early for vacation to visit family which was a huge win. But that also meant that that I couldn’t attend the exhibition that we’ve been working to this whole time but the real sad part of it all was that you could order diner from the school which was White spot. I was quite mad when I heard this because this meant I couldn’t get a club sandwich which is my usual order so that was huge blow. I didn’t get any photo’s of the exhibition as I was not there and my group didn’t get any good ones either. So overall this project was shorter than my other ones and I liked it and I hope you liked my post on it too.