
Who Cares and Why Bother?

Welcome to another blog post and the driving question for this project was: How do we convince young people that they should vote? To demonstrate our learning, we had a group project involving four people where we made a video about the Canadian Government structure.

Lord of the Flies

The first task we did in this project, was read the classic book, Lord of the Flies. Since it is such a thoughtful and in depth book, there was a lot to talk about in class discussions. This book was great to kickoff a unit about politics because it has so many metaphors and similarities with the real world of politics.

Political Issues for Young People

The next step we took in this unit was to look at some political issues that affect us young people. We looked into which Canadian political parties favoured our certain opinions and ideals and got us thinking about which party we would want to vote for.

Canadian Government 101

For the main part of this project, we were assigned, in groups, to make an informative video about the Canadian government structure. My group’s video was mostly a live action with each of us playing different parts, showing the behind the scenes of voting, and the stages of the election. After we put our video together, the next stage of the project was to make a presentation in which we made a highly engaging introduction that I wrote, an informative part for structure in the middle, and a trivial kahoot quiz.

government vid 3

Overall, this was a really good project, and if more young people saw my group’s presentation, I would like to think that it would definitely encourage them to vote when they come of age. Completing this project and learning this unit gave me a lot of new, different perspectives, and broadened my knowledge of Canadian politics and government structure.

Who cares and why bother? My answer to this question is simply because young people are so clearly affected by many political issues that could possibly be fixed or changed, depending on who they, alongside many other likeminded individuals vote for. Voting is so important for young people because, after all, it is how we get our voices and opinions heard in this very busy and loud world.