I had to think about who i really am to complete some activities and at times it was really hard but the finished products were worth it, for example, Word pack and MeMoji. These really expressed the my hobbies and passions in a unique way.
The user manual made me think about what really makes me happy and annoyed. Because in it, you had to write where you function the best, and function the worst.
The dream board was really cool to make. I made it using the copy and paste function on my iPad. I think my finished product look very cool.
Me as a PLP learner trying to complete assignments, I would say im very on task. I work well with new people, people i know, everyone. Sometimes I get distracted and then I need someone in my group to get me back on track. As a PLP learner, you need to put 2x the effort in as you would in normal school. I put this effort in, that is what makes me a PLP learner