Did you know that without the historical events on Juno Beach, our world as we know it today would be entirely different?
Juno beach was on of five beaches of the Allied invasion in the Normandy Landings near the end of World War II (WWII).
This infamous battle was also known as D-Day, and was the turning point in the war for the Allied troops of America, Canada and the UK.
- Although the importance of D-Day and the war efforts in WWII as a whole are not forgotten, the Juno Beach center, located in Normandy France, commemorates the 45,000 Canadians who lost their lives during the war, including the troops in the battle of Normandy and D-Day.
- In order to pay our respects to the soldiers who fought in D-Day and the battle of Normandy and to learn about the importance of service to a greater cause, the Grade 10 PLP Class donated 500 dollars to the Juno Beach Center.
- The money went toward buying the center a Canadian Flag, with the funds raised by acts of service done by every student, each requiring a 10 dollar patron for their work to donate.
Why was WWII Historically Significant for Canadians?
Although Canada often gets overlooked when it comes to their efforts in WWII, Canada experienced some of the most impactful and largely positive growth during and after WWII.
- In order to learn about all of the different complex aspects of Canadian and global growth and post-war relations, we adapted to an efficient and effectively fast way to take in information an output it, called Smart Brevity.
- Smart Brevity is a concept all about conveying information that is to the point and easy to take in, with simplistic bullet point form and a visually minimalistic but informative structure.
- To practice Smart Brevity, we studied different websites and articles on certain topics related to the bottom line of “How did Canada Impact the War, and How did the War Impact Canada.
Below is my Smart Brevity Note on the topic of: “How the Canadian Industry and Economy was impacted by WWII, and how does it continue to be impacted”.
After using our Smart Brevity tools as well as many resources to learn about WWII, we had to show our knowledge by building an Essay on a specific aspect of Canadas experience in WWII.
- The purpose of this essay was ultimately to format it into a “Zine”, which is essentially a self published piece of work containing original and appropriated writing and images, but also to learn how to properly write a professional essay.
- First, in order to have a baseline idea to form our entire essay, we had to come up with a thesis. From there we created an outline with three areas based on your thesis and topic.
- I found this to be an extremely impactful way to write efficiently and effectively, because the outline covered all the important ideas and all you had to do is elaborate.
Here is my outline, made on MindNode
As you can see, the draft covers the important points, breaking the thesis into three more specific sub-theses. These are then broken down even further into three more points each.
After making my Essay outline, writing the essay was quite easy, although formatting it wasn’t. It turns out there are quite a few specific rules you have to follow when creating an essay, so it took many including myself to catch on.
Things I learned like “In text citations” and proper MLA formatting will be tools that I remember throughout high school for the many essay projects that require them, so I am thankful for the roadblock that was learning to essay.
Although I think my essay is pretty good, you don’t have to take my word for it.
Finally, back to the Zine I talked about earlier, which was the final Keystone of this project. All we had to do essentially was learn about how to format our Zine, which involved putting visual aids into it and changing the paragraphing.
Other than that, it is essentially a more visually appealing version of my essay.
Now we have covered all of the main benchmarks in what I got out of this project, which aside from a lot of WWII history, was quite a bit! Thanks for reading!