Thought 17: Destination Imagination

As per PLP 8 tradition, Our class was entered in the 2021 Destination Imagination Tournament. If you do not know what DI is, it is a world-wide learning competition where teams of 4-6 people have to find the solution to the challenge. This year, we had to present our conclusions in video form. In our class, there was 4 challenges we could be assigned: Technical, Fine Arts, Science and Engineering. I was on the Science team. The other members of my group where Teva, Makenna, Luca, Sylas and Zach. I will put a link to their blogs at the end. For the scientific challenge, we had to make a documentary-style film, about how a scientific law was broken. Like everyone else, we also had to do a separate instant challenge, but I am not allowed to talk about it. After a bit of debate, we came up with a story for our video. I am not going to describe it now, because our video will be linked at the bottom of this post. Our video also had to include and expert, a witness a technical method to explain the scientific formula and 2 team choice elements. A team choice element is something we add to our video that reflects an interest of one of our group members. For example, in our group, Zach is a piano player so we got him to play a bit of music for the ending. I was in charge of making our groups technical method. I class, I learned about an experiment called the Cavendish Experiment, so I decided to use 3D animation software to make a recreation of the experiment. I would have built it, but the materials where very expensive and went over our teams budget. Finally, after mass rewriting and revisions, it was time to film our video. Sylas’s mother is a professional photographer so Sylas used one of her camera’s to film our video. We managed to finish filming our video in about 3 hours. Overall, I think our final product looks great. After a bit of editing, our video was finished. On the last day of school before spring break, we had a viewing party in the theatre where everyone got to see the videos made by the other teams. Since our class is so big, there was 2 videos for each challenge, so it was sort of like a mini-tournament. I think that everyone’s videos where great. I think my favourite one was one of the Fine Arts group, who had to make a music video about a book. I liked it because in the background you can see Landon and Cole doing a hilarious dance. In conclusion, I had a lot of fun on DI this year, it was very stressful but I think that our hard work paid off.

A photo taken from the Behind the Scenes of filming DI.

Final Thoughts: Overall, I think that I greatly over-estimated my own capabilities. I thought that I would be able to carry my team and finish the project in 2 weeks. You can’t see my face right now but I am laughing my head off as I write this sentence. Our team worked together extremely well. We did have some problems with doing our work on time and listening to each other, but we pulled through and I think we did a great job. Despite the constant stress and anxiety, I think I would do DI again. It was a great experience and I learned a very valuable lesson about hard work.

Written feedback we received from the appraisers.

Group Members:






April 11 Update: Our team just won 1st place in the national tournament!

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