Thought 19: The More Things Change 🦫

The More Things Change 🦫

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What did European Settlement mean for all the people involved?

This was the driving question for this project. The main goal for this project was to make an educational infographic about European settlement. We had to accompany the infographic with a YouTube video presentation of our infographic.

We were to make the video in Keynote, using the Magic Move function. Magic Move is sort of like an animation tool built into Keynote. After we finished the video, we printed out posters of our infographics and put them up around the school. We also put QR codes on our posters, linking it to the YouTube video.

We worked on this project in groups of 2. My partner was Erik. At the beginning of the project, we did a Partner Outdoor Survival Challenge. Basically, to get to know our partners, we went outside and we had to film a short video and explain a survival tip. Erik and I went to the forest and made a demonstration on how to build a shelter. We put some tree branches we found on the ground and laid them over 2 trees that had fallen over.

Our Survival Video

The next step of the project was to choose a layout and theme for our infographic. We decided to make our infographic about economics and the value of money, as it is something that interests the 2 of us. We also got to choose a colour theme and we got a nice blue template.

A requirement for the infographic was that we had to write 3 facts about the 3 groups, and each required a graphic. The three groups are the Bri’ish, Le Francais, and the First Nations. We also had to include a thesis and a statement about Continuity and Change. For the symbols, we drew Big Ben for the British, a Fleur-de-lis for the French and the flag of the Iroquois Confederacy for the First Nations.

The last thing to do was to put up our poster and lure in unsuspecting pedestrians to read our infographic and to watch our video.

Here is a link to our video

As a reward for working hard on this project, we took a day trip to the park.

There were 2 curricular competencies we used during this project and to answer our driving question.

Identifying Continuity and Change.

Continuity and change was a very large piece of this project. Each of our infographics required a statement on continuity and change. This competency was very important for solving the driving question as we had to be able to identify events that affected the lifestyles and worldview of the British, French and First Nations.

Using Evidence from Various Sources.

To back up our claims of continuity and change, we required evidence. We used evidence to solve the driving question by fact-checking each of our theories about changes in the lifestyles of the settlers of North America.

To conclude this post and to answer the driving question, European settlement resulted in many lifestyle changes. For example, the value of resources changed over time, but the way we value wealth has remained the same ever since.


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