I helped make a laser design. This project was very long but very interesting.
We started this project a while ago way before winter break. After winter break we got into groups of our own. In my group i had tom, Sydney, and Jessie in my group(links to there blogs will be at the end. When we started this in our groups we decided to make our laser display a star. This was very challenging because there had to be at least one ninety degree angle in the star. So me and tom spent a lot of time trying to design it and figure out if it was even possible. Unfortunately i was sick for a little part of it but tom was also sick so i wasn’t alone. After we did the math we were sick then after that we weren’t much help except measuring and some tedious tasks.Â
Before we did this project we did a mind-node to get us understanding what this project is with some questions and things we already know. This is my mindnode
Me and my group did all of this in a series of steps leading from designing the star and so forth the second step was to measure everything and put it on a sheet of cardboard. Then after that we had to measure it. Then put the laser and make sure that all the mirrors are aligned so it makes a star shape. And after all that we finally finished and present our project.
Thank you so much for reading this her are the links to my friends blogs
Tom: https://www.blog44.ca/tomh/
Sydney: http://www.blog44.ca/SydneyH/
Jessie: http://www.blog44.ca/JessieG/