Youth at the Booth employment Program (Election BC)

A provincial general election is scheduled for May 9, 2017.

Youth at the Booth secondary school student employment program.

This program aims to hire skilled election officials to administer voting and to engage young people in the electoral process. Participants in this program will earn at least $250 for working a full day as an election official, obtain work experience/community service hours towards their Graduation Transitions requirement and learn about elections and voting.

Applicants for Youth at the Booth must be:

Enrolled in secondary school classes and in good standing with their school

Between 15 and 19 years of age

Legally entitled to work in Canada and have a valid Social Insurance Number

Interested in community service

Available all day on General Voting Day, May 9, 2017

Available to attend a three hour training session prior to General Voting Day

Approved to miss school to work as an election official (training may take place outside school hours

Able to perform their duties in a neutral and impartial manner

If interested, please see Ms. Parmar !!



Book Buddies at Parkgate Library !



Volunteer at North Vancouver District Public Library

Book Buddies is a Library program that helps children aged 6-11 who need support and encouragement in maintaining and improving their reading skills. Children are matched with a teen volunteer, and for ½ hour each week the Book Buddies read aloud to each other, choose books to take home, and do literacy-based activities such as word games. It is a reading mentoring program, it does not teach reading.

The Library is looking for Book Buddy volunteers who:

  • Are in grades 10, 11, or 12
  • Enjoy working with younger children, including those with disabilities or who are English Language Learners
  • Are enthusiastic about reading, and can model reading as an enjoyable activity
  • Are patient, supportive, encouraging, and can help younger children stay focused
  • Are able to communicate clearly, effectively and courteously with children, parents, library staff and fellow Book Buddy volunteers
  • Are able to keep schedules, notes and statistics

Book Buddies is most effective when the child meets with the same volunteer each week. Volunteers must to be able to commit to 18 hours over 9 weeks from January-March, 2017, plus a training session, two practice sessions and an evaluation session for a total of 23 hours :

Parkgate Library: Tuesdays, 3:30-5:30pm, January 10 – March 7, 2017

There will be a training session for all participants at the Parkgate Library on Tuesday, November 27 2016, 4:00-5:00pm and two practice sessions on Tuesday, December 6 and 13, 3:30-5:30pm.
Volunteers will rely on library staff for training, supervision, emergency assistance and advice regarding reading selections. All volunteers must complete a criminal record check and those who complete 23 hours of volunteer work will receive written confirmation.
If you are interested, please submit (by mail, email or in person), a resume and cover letter explaining why you’d like to be a Book Buddy and the skills you have that will help make you a successful candidate by Thursday November 17, 2016 to:
Alison Campbell                                                                                                 

Manager, Community Connections                                                                         604.990.5800 ext 8118

North Vancouver District Public Library

1277 Lynn Valley Road

North Vancouver, BC   V7J 0A2

BCIT’s Big Info Night

BCIT Info Night!


Want to know if BCIT is the right fit for you? Then come to BIG Info!

 In one night you can learn about our 300+ programs all in one place. Speak to instructors, ask questions, meet grads, and see what BCIT can offer you.

You can also get a chance to win one of three prizes for $1000 in tuition credit!

This free night is open to everyone, so bring a friend or two and explore your future.

Wednesday November 16, 2016

5 – 8 pm

BCIT Burnaby Campus

RSVP to BIG Info


BC Youth Advisory Committee (RCMP)





The RCMP in BC is looking for Youth to join its YAC (Youth Advisory Committee). Get involved and BE PART OF THE CONVERSATION. YOUR VOICE MATTERS !

The YAC will:

  • Provide an exciting volunteer experience
  • Talk about community youth issues and solutions, and
  • Provide opportunities to connect with youth across BC using Facebook


Are you in school and aged between 14 and 18 years? Do you have something to say about issues facing young people?

If yes, APPLY NOW by emailing us at  for an application. Applications will be accepted until November 7, 2016.

If interested in this wonderful opportunity, please see Ms. Parmar for more information.


Vancouver Aquarium Work Experience (Winter break)





The Vancouver Aquarium is currently recruiting 12 full day students and 6 half day students for our Winter Break AquaCamps.
As a Work Experience Student, you will have an excellent opportunity to gain experience working with children in an educational setting, work on your
communication and leadership skills, develop a sense of teamwork and explore career options.

Please note you will be given the option to upload your resume & cover letter during this application, so I suggest having these on hand before beginning this process

Please make sure that you have selected “Wex Student” when asked what type of volunteer placement they are applying for, and Marine Educator AquaCamps WEX Placement as the name of the specific position applying for. You must also select Winter Break 2016 as the Wex placement date applying for.

You must also select Full Time or Part Time under the shift dates & times option. In this placement, you must do a minimum of 5 out of 9 days.

In the Other – Notes section, please indicate your preference of days from 1 to 9. Please note that you MUST complete all required fields indicated for your application to be received properly.

Click here to register for winter work experience 

Please let Ms. Parmar know if you are applying for this amazing opportunity !

RCMP Youth Academy 2016- 17



Interested in a Law Enforcement Career?

Amazing Opportunity!

In 8 Days learn what it takes to become an RCMP officer – and you can complete your Work Experience hours(4Credits) with this opportunity too!
Applications due on December 1, 2016!


Financial assistant may be available, please see Ms. Parmar for more info and application.


Ski Instructor Development Practicum Program !

Grade 10 – 12
If you love to ski and want to turn your passion into a profession then this is the program for you! Certification by the Canadian Ski Instructors’ Alliance and is recognized by the BC Ministry of Education, which awards External Sports Credits for CSIA Level 1. The objective of the Instructor Practicum is to offer local students an opportunity to learn about the ski industry, gain an internationally recognized, professional certification, earn credit for High School graduation and build valuable work and volunteer experience.
To date Mt Seymour has had 32 students participate in this program. 27 completed their CSIA Level 1 certification and all gained many hours of teaching experience, training and an understanding of the ski industry. A number of these students have gone on to join the instructor team.
In 2016-2017 Mt Seymour will accept up to 16 Students. Students must commit to 100 hours of volunteer instructing and there is a cost of $50 for the CSIA manual and course materials. Students receive a Mt Seymour staff season pass valid for entire 2016-17 season, including staff benefits and free shuttle bus service, preparatory training for the CSIA 1 course, the CSIA Level 1 course and 100 hours of work experience in a ski school. Standard cost for the CSIA Level 1 course is $399 but Mt Seymour covers everything but the course materials


Please see Ms. Parmar, if you are interested in this great opportunity !!

Covenant House (Volunteer Opportunity)




Covenant House Vancouver needs volunteers as callers with their Thank-a-Thon program. Covenant House Vancouver helps youth aged 16-24 who have fled physical, emotional and/or sexual abuse, those wo have been forced from their homes or those who have aged out of foster care.

They are currently looking for volunteers to say thank you to their donor families. See Ms. Parmar for more info.

If you are interested in saying “Thank You”, please contact Amanda Merler at 604.639.8920 or email at

LYNN VALLEY CARE CENTRE (Volunteer Opportunity)



  • Volunteers must enjoy communicating with the elderly.
  • Volunteers must be able to communicate clearly in English.
  • Volunteers must enjoy, appreciate, and respect the elderly Residents.
  • Volunteers must be able to follow directions, work well with others, as well as be able to work independently.
  • Volunteers must be conscientious, following through with their commitment.
  • All Volunteers must sign a “Confidentiality Agreement”.

For more info and application, please see Ms. Parmar