VFS Open House | 8 February 2020 | 10am – 1pm
FREE, perfect for any student as all 13 programs are open to explore.
Parents, teachers, and guidance counsellors are also welcome to attend.
At Open House you can,
- Discover the VFS student experience
- Get the latest program and scholarship information
- Meet VFS faculty, admissions staff, and esteemed alumni
- See live student performance, creative works and film projects
- Learn how to apply to VFS
Vancouver Film School offers programs in: Animation, Writing, Acting for Film & Television, Game Design, Programming, Motion & Interactive Design, Film Production, Make Up, Sound Design, and VR/AR development.
More details and to register: https://vfsopenhouse.eventbrite.ca/?aff=Outreach
At this event, we will also be hosting in-person auditions for our 1-year and 4-month Acting programs. As well as, free 1-on-1 creative portfolio development sessions for those looking for feedback on their animation or design portfolios. Both activities require separate registration prior to the event.