Mini Med School 2020

Join us virtually for Mini Med School 2020 as we explore the gut and your health.
Presented by Mini Med School Deans Dr. Laura Sly & Dr. Ted Steiner.


At Mini Med School, you’ll have the opportunity to:

  • Learn about the newest discoveries and innovations in research
  • Virtually interact with world-class scientists and health professionals
  • Explore the diverse careers available in science and medicine

Interested in participating?

Mini Med School is transitioning to an all virtual learning platform. Participation is free, but participants will require access to a computer, tablet or smartphone and a stable internet connection.

Virtual attendees across BC will now have two ways to participate in Mini Med School 2020:

  • Mini Med School Live: Engage with researchers and clinicians at BC Children’s Hospital in real-time! Participation is restricted to BC students from grades 10-12. Interested students must be nominated by a teacher to participate. To maximize interactions between students and presenters, only 200 students will be enrolled.
  • Mini Med School On-Demand: Participate when it works for you. Registration is open to everyone. A maximum of 300 participants will be enrolled in the program.

Mini Med School is supported by BC Children’s Hospital Foundation. If you have any questions please contact

Only interested in watching a single session? By late November, all sessions will be posted on the BCCHR website’s Video Library for anyone to access.

Participate: Mini Med School Live

Engage with researchers and clinicians at BC Children’s Hospital in real-time! Participation is restricted to BC students from grades 10-12.

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Mini Med School Scholarship

The Mini Med School Scholarships provide funding to support postsecondary studies for well-motivated students with records of exceptional academic achievement.

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