Youth Growing Mentorship

Would you like to learn how to grow fresh food and flowers for yourself and your community? Are you interested in exploring work in agriculture, ecosystem restoration, or farmers markets? Do you want to grow your skills in collaboration, communication, and entrepreneurship?

If you or someone you know is interested in taking part, please fill out our expression of interest form here. Intake will happen on a rolling basis until 30 June, 2023 or until we are at capacity which is 10 participants. If you have any questions, or want to chat before applying, please contact Becka at

The details:

–  You must be between 15 – 23 years old to be eligible for the Rhizome mentorship, and to be able to commit to approximately 5hrs per week.
– The mentorship will run from the end of May to end of Oct/middle of November with a flexible schedule for those returning to school in the fall.
– Participants will receive personal garden tools such as gloves, kneeling pad, trowel, tool bag
– Our mentorship will take place over three sites; Loutet Farm, Silver Harbour (near Lonsdale & 22nd), and a residential site near Loutet Farm. Youth will have the opportunity to work both independently and collaboratively depending on their comfort level and needs, with full team check-ins weekly. Scheduling will happen with the guidance of Rhizome mentors, Becka & Hannah.
– Youth will be involved in as much of the decision making as possible (what to grow, pricing, scheduling, spending, etc) learning collective decision making with the support of mentors Becka & Hannah.
– Our is to be able to sell produce or a product at a market or farm stand, and to share produce by donation to Silver Harbour Seniors Center.
– Money made from sales will be used to support the project and shared amongst participants in a co-operative model. This will be discussed and managed collectively.
– Land based & growing skills: understanding soil, selecting plants and understanding their growing needs, crop management/rotation, harvesting, invasive vs native plants.
– Other skills: time management, communication, working in a team, financial management, entrepreneurial skills, interacting with public.
– All participants will receive a certificate of completion and letters of reference from their mentors.
Our aim is that this mentoring project will become a recurring yearly program that will be embedded in the North Vancouver community. For this project our food growing site/s will be in the community, this will encourage further engagement in the full range of our programs. It will also spark conversations with community members about food access, and the positive environmental, emotional, and physical impact of local small scale food growing.

Growing food in urban centers has direct positive environmental impacts such as bolstering biodiversity, supporting pollinators and wildlife habitat, and reducing the urban heat island effect. Transforming urban areas into vibrant, edible spaces provides places for community members to gather, share knowledge, connect with the natural world, reduce stress, and make connections with their neighbours. While this is a program targeted at youth, it is our belief that intergenerational learning is deeply valuable, and by growing food in community we encourage learning and knowledge sharing between all ages.

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