Find your perfect fit at a fair exploring careers in trades and technology
January 27th, 2020 6:00pm – 8:45pm 5th Floor, Education Services Centre 2121 Lonsdale Avenue, North Vancouver. Free underground parking.
Exhibitors: Architects, Fashion Designers, Interior Designers, Electricians, Ironworkers, Welders, Auto and Motorcycle Mechanics, Engineers, Holographic Creators, and everything in between! Microsoft, BCIT, Vancouver Community College, VCAD, Vancouver Coastal Health, Canadian Coast Guard, Capilano University, ITA BC, Seaspan, Ashton Service, Pacific Institute of Culinary Arts, JCI Institute, Automotive Retailers Association, + many more.
Featuring the “Speaker’s Spotlight”
6:10pm Education Pathways Without Debt
6:30pm Women in the Trades
6:55pm SEASPAN
7:15pm Demand in Automotive & Motorcycle Sectors
Limited Registration
120 people per sessionSESSION 1 6:00 – 7:15PM
SESSION 2 7:15 – 8:45PM
RSVP by: January 23rd, 2020, 12:00pm