How many tries did it take for our “Rube Goldberg machine” to work? I wouldn’t know. Because just like last year… I WASNT THERE!!!
Well to start from the beginning we did another reading! Yay. But unlike other books I actually found this one really interesting! You can read more about that below. Like I just said I wasn’t going to be there at the exhibition because I was in Mexico! Like for last years winter exhibition that I missed because I was in England (Link to that post click here) I was very sad that I still haven’t had a winter exhibition but I had full trust that my group was going to do amazing!
DQ 🏎️:
What Factors Precipitate ‘Revolution’ and How Have They Shaped the Modern World?
For answering this driving question we first had to know what the definition of a revolution is.
Revolution: According to the dictionary a revolution is a radical change in the established order, usually the established government and social institutions.
The biggest thing I took away from the whole thing of revolutions is that a revolution ends up ending the same way it had originally started and if you are still confused read more!
Animal Farm:
While reading this as the next book choice from Mr. Harris I actually really enjoyed it and it was cool how we could see how Crane Brenton’s theories were incorporated into the story telling. You may be wondering what the heck?! Who is Crane Brinton well here are my notes on the whole book and his theories.
My Book Notes On Animal Farm! (Click Here)
Crane Brinton:
Crane Brintons theories on revolution come back when we start looking at infographics that we will have to be asking based around the book and the stages of revolution. The stages are:
Each other these stages have different things that happen in them such as Crisis Stage ha more war and battle. Whilst Incubation Stage is about how it started and the rising actions that started this uprising of a revolution.
An infographic is a giant poster that is aesthetically pleasing and has all the necessary information! In total of this project we made 3 to show all of our complete understanding in the book “Animal Farm” that we read and explaining Crane Brintons theories and the evidence from the book as well. Our second one was showing our individual understandings of the revolution we were assigned which for me was the AMERICAN REVOLUTION!!! Our last one was our groups understanding of our revolution and I am very proud of them all.
Animal Farm:
American Revolution:
Group Infographic:
Exhibition Groups:
My group had 5 other people in it and although I had worked with some before I had the opportunity to work with some new people! Such as: (You can click their name to see their blogs as well!)
Rube Goldberg Machines?
A Rube Goldberg machine is a chain reaction machine that works together in one continuous motion to complete a simple task! My groups task that we completed was raising an American flag signifying America becoming an independent country.
This was the original draft and idea for our machine that we built off to make our machine! We decided to make it like a staircase and use 4 panels and each panel would be a different stage of the revolution being explained through their Metaphores. This was definitely a lot harder than we thought it would be but I think we executed our plan well and ended with a great result!
American Revolution!
You might be wondering what the American revolution was like and what happened well its a lot to explain so you can search it up yourself or look at the video above orrr I wrote a giant paragraph (that you probably won’t read) all about it:
The American revolution starts by telling the story or the 7 years war which ended and that war made Britain’s very broke. Because Britain was so broke they decided to get more money by putting an extra cost on little things that a lot of people use like tea and stamps this was called the stamp act and the tea act also known as the forbidden acts. There was a catch on this though these “forbidden acts” were only put onto the American settlers so they were being discriminated for being new. American settlers didn’t like this and felt as if they had no voice against it (which they didn’t). This led to many protests and backlash and then because they started to get so out of hand the British decided to send a giant army of 10,000 men over to Boston to keep peace between the people (which made Britain even more broke if I might add). And one night while a guard was at his post standing outside the customshouse, the private overheard a colonist insult an officer nearby and took it upon himself to discipline the man by elbowing him in the head. Word spread and 300-400 Bostonians crowded around long story short it got chaotic and 5 people died and 6 were injured on the hands of the British soldiers. As a form of protest the one day when Britain was about to make a big trade of tea in crates with East India, Bostonians infiltrated the ship and as quickly as they could they dumped as many crates as they could into the ocean making Britain EVEN MORE broke wasting $10,000 worth of tea. The continental congress first met in September of 1774, it was a meeting consisting of 56 delegates from all of the colonies. They talked of issues such as the “Intolerable Acts” which consisted of the many taxes that had been taken upon them. They also discussed the topic of independence and later voted in favour of it and this became the independence of America as a country that they voted in favour for. The treaty of Paris is where the declaration of recognizing American independence was signed. THE END!
Metaphors? Where have I heard that word before? Oh right! Last year in our poems book!
The reason it is called a “Metaphor Machine” is because very action is a explaining something that happened in our assigned revolution so the machine and the actions are Metaphors for the story of the revolution we are telling our audience about.
This is the script that my group read aloud during the exhibition to explain all of our metaphors in the machine:
Exhibition and Our Result:
You have probably been waiting for this since the beginning to see our final working machine! And you will, be patient. During the exhibition day I was texting my group and my friends asking about it and counting down the seconds to when the doors were going to open! I think my group did an amazing job and I really wish I was there to help but swimming in the hot sun was fun too. And here it is finally the thing you have all been waiting for our final exhibition product:
We all know Winter exhibition can get rough and so at the end it looked like everyone was very happy and excited that it was finished and well ummm let’s just say that the French revolutions machine is long gone now…
In conclusion I loved this project especially because making Rube Goldberg machine sis something I have been dong since I was very little and seeing the end result work is always sooo rewarding. Im so happy with what my group has accomplished and see you guys next year!
Thanks so much for reading and stay posted for my next post! 👍