Become a PLP Learner!

Becoming a PLP learner!

We have finished many projects in maker over the coarse of a few months. I am going to list a few projects we have done that best represent who i am as a PLP learner and what I think would best represent me. A few projects we have done so far have been our digital selfie, dream board, bucket list, user manual, YouTube channel, laptop Memoji, and and wordpack. I am going to be talking about 3 projects I think best represent me and would answer the driving question ‘who am I as a PLP learner’. I am going to talk about my wordpack and my laptop Memoji. 

Wordpack- I decided to choose our wordpack assignment to talk about. We were told to write down a list of “i am” statements representing you. At the end we had gone around and looked at everybody’s finished products and what descriptive words people had come up with, using creative words.


Laptop Memoji- My favourite project that we have done has been our laptop Memoji. I liked this project because we got to express our hobbies and what we like by creating digital laptop stickers that represent us. We first made Memojis trying to make them best look like us, We than created our stickers by using keynote to make them colourful, Added designs, made shapes, and etc. We used other tools to make these stickers best describing us by using gradient, alpha lock, borders, shading, shadow, and a lot more fun tools. This is the Memoji I had created! 

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