Geek out- Barrel Racing

What is barrel racing? Before i dive into my journey and a hobby of mine, I’m going to explain what barrel racing even is! Barrel racing is a discipline and style of western riding, and is commonly found in prairie provinces and states. The goal is to race around 3 barrels in the shortest amount of time. 

The first time I had ever ridden was when i was 3. My aunt took me for a “pony ride”at a ranch near my cottage in Manitoba.  When we got there they had put me on a 16hh horse(a pony is around 12hh for comparison). My aunt and mom were really confused but they put me on the horse and i just started riding. After that I had loved horses and started riding more.When my grandma was growing up she had immigrated from Poland to Canada! A lot of Europeans came to Manitoba(like my family). They had moved onto a farm in the middle of Interlake Manitoba. They lived in a small box-cart from an old train and owned a horse named Jessie. Everyday my grandma would ride this horse to school. Believe it or not but they actually had a barn at her school to hold kids horses! My grandma has been the most supportive of my with my riding and she’s taught me a lot.

Horses can teach you a lot too, and that’s something my family has always wanted for me to have. Horses take a lot of work and time and doing chores like sweeping, cleaning, and picking up manure, but they also wanted me to experience lessons horses teach you and the bond and trust needed between you to create a good team. I had spent majority of my summer at my family’s barn in Manitoba. I had some barrel racing competitions and a lot of trail riding with my friends! This summer I will be boarding my own horse so I’m able to compete in more competitions. One of my coaches had also taught me how to cattle rope which was a lot of fun.

Do you think you’d ever want to start riding? If so, starting with beginner lessons would be a great place to start! It took me almost 6 years to start barrel racing because you have to know how to canter and gallop.



How did the blogging process go?

I think the process was really smooth and i had a lot of fun writing about why i love barrel racing and why its so important to me. I also liked telling my story about why its my hobby.

How was it different from what I’ve posted on my blog before?

I think its different because everybody’s formats will be somewhat the same but everybody’s topics will be really different and everybody will write something really different.

What was the most challenging part and why? 

I definitely think the most Challenging part for me was attaching the images, becuase they let going out of place.

What was the easiest part and why? 

The easiest parent for me was the whole writing process, because its something so important to me I didn’t really have to think.

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