Our first project for Maker was all about becoming a PLP learner. Our goal was answering the driving question “How Do I Build and Strengthen the PLP Learning Team?” This project focused on defining who we are, what we want to accomplish in life, and how we interact with others. At the end of the project, we presented a mini exhibition to all of the PLP parents. More on that in a bit.

The goal of this project was to become better acquainted with the PBL (Project Based Learning) format, our iPads, and presenting to an audience. We also had the goal to become independent thinkers and learn how to create better connections to the real world. By the end of the project, we were required to answer the driving question for the benefit of me and my peers.

One of the first things we did was our Big Life Journal. The Big Life Journal is all about identifying who you are and what you want to do in life. We went through it and did lots of different activities to help learn more about ourselves. 

These are my three best works:

  • My Dream Board

Another thing we did was team challenges. We completed them with our table groups so that we could get to know each other better. These challenges helped build trust and communication skills. 

These are some of my favourites:

  • Frogbox, our Creative Game

We also made a user manual, which is is a document all about who we are as both people and learners. It includes lots of language that a typical user manual would have. 

Here are some excerpts from that:

Another part of this project that we created was our physical representation, which was a creative way to answer the driving question. It was made from a collection of everyday items that were pieced together to create something unique.

Here is my creative representation as well as a description:

One of the biggest aspects of this project was our team member contract, which is on my blog right now.

To answer the driving question, we reused our Memojis that we made earlier in the project, and gave them speech bubbles in which we answered the driving questions with. 

This is mine:

The final creation we made was our keynote presentation (video below). In this presentation contained our Big Life Journal best works, our user manual, our creative representation, and our team member contract. We had to present this to all of the PLP parents in a mini-exhibition. Unfortunately I was unable to be there. Instead, when I finished my presentation I presented it to my parents at home. I also had them fill out the feedback forms that the parents at the exhibition had to fill out. 

This is a video I made about my keynote presentation:

I certainly had some strengths and stretches through this project. I was especially good at identifying what I enjoy, what I want to do in life, and how I can accomplish my goals. I was not good at saying what I am good at and what I am not good at. I feel it is hard to find the line between being super narcissistic and talking trash about myself. I was also not good at identifying who I am as a person.

I think that this was a great first project to start off PLP and I think I know more about myself now than I did before we started. To answer the driving question; I can build and strengthen the PLP by creating and combining ideas and supporting and helping others.