What is a just society? This is the question that we asked ourselves as part of our newest humanities project. The real question is, how do we figure this out? The concept of a just society changes from person to… Continue Reading →
At the end of each year in PLP, we write a big blog post as a reflection on the year. It is called a Transitional Presentation of Learning or TPOL. I will use this post to reflect on my biggest… Continue Reading →
Halfway through each year in PLP, we complete a celebration of our learning called a Mid-Year Presentation of Learning (an MPoL). This is where we reflect on what we have learned over the course of the year. At the start… Continue Reading →
Welcome to my grade 8 mPOL (mid-year Presentation of learning). This post is my reflection on everything I have done in grade 8 thus far. I’ll be talking about my core competencies, some of my projects for each subject, some… Continue Reading →
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