Metaphor Machine Finally Finished!

Yay finally done our biggest project we have been working on so far this year called the Metaphor Machine project. It was very hard, challenging and took way longer than expected but in the end I think my group’s machine turned out very good.

If you haven’t already read my previous blog post about the midway of this project then go do that now by clicking Here.

Like I explained in my last post about this project, we first had to pick a revolution and this would be pretty much the base of our machine. The revolution we picked was the Haitian revolution. After picking our revolution, we then as a group created a timeline with three lines: one for our revolution, one for Crane Brinton’s theory and one for metaphors to relate our revolution to our machine.

this is the timeline my group made:


The machine we made had to be a Rube Goldberg machine which is pretty much a machine that makes a simple task into a challenge. We also had to add a Steampunk aesthetic to our machine which is a sci fi fantasy based in the early 1900s genre.

Rube Goldberg machine:

This project took a lot of time probably much more than expected but in the end I think that it turned out great and I am very proud of it.

Here is our video. Hope you enjoy:

I think that there are many improvements we could have done to make this project a whole lot better in the time we had. For example, maybe spending more time on the video as it was a little rushed even though we had lots of time. Another thing would probably be to make the machine more steampunk with more gears and gadgets. But the biggest improvement we could have done is to use our time more wisely and responsibly as we were given a whole lot of time but we all procrastinated a lot.

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