Seattle Trip

A few months ago the PLP flight 9 class went to Seattle for 3 days. This is part of the field school trips that every class in the program goes on in order to learn in real world experiences. For this trip we were assigned a video project in groups about someone who follows The Apple company and Steve Job’s criteria for the crazy ones:

My group chose a famous glass artist by the name of Dale Chihuly who sculpts large-scale models of blown glass. This project was very exciting to make, as we were able to make our own groups and then were given a lot of independence to finish our planning for the video. To help to stay organized, we each had different roles in each of our groups including a DRI (directly responsible individual) who was kind of like the manager of the group, we also had a photographer/videographer which was me, a interviewer/writer and an editor. This helped us manage our time efficiently and effectively.

Dale Chihuly’s blown glass:

When we got to Seattle, we did most of our filming in the Chihuly gardens, which were absolutely amazing. We were able to film all the beautiful art pieces. Our group also interviewed people in and outside of Chihuly gardens asking them about what they knew and thought about Chihuly’s art and Chihuly as an artist. This was a very fun project that gave each group a lot of independence.

Chihuly’s blown glass

After all that hard work we put into the video here is the final copy:

Other than doing this video project, our teachers also packed a lot of fun activities into the three days including a tour of the Boeing factory, visiting the MoPOP museum of music, Ifly indoor skydiving, duck boat tour and going to the movie ’Fantastic beasts and where to find them’.

Here are a few photos:

Finally, we had to write an essay about the crazy ones and how it related to the trip. The three points for our essay included firstly a paragraph with the definition of the crazy ones, the second paragraph was an example of a crazy one, and why they are crazy and finally how what we learned at Microsoft applies to the crazy ones.

Here is my essay:

This trip was an amazing experience and it was quite crazy how much we could fit into 3 days away.

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